First time out with my M416 (Pics Included)


I decided to take my brothers on a short 2 night camping trip over the weekend and finally put my trailer to good use!

Got all of my camping gear loaded up, then a friend asked me if I would deliver a "Little Giant" ladder to his brother on my way (that is what you see under the tarp)

Stopping for ice in Fairview, Utah

Took a couple shots at the top of Fairview


This is about 100 yds from our camp site at a place called "Wild Horse Point" Near Huntington, Utah


Here's a view from behind our camp site. Do you see the hammock?

Here is our campsite. It is VERY secluded up there. People don't usually camp up here because it's not very well known and somewhat hard to get to.
That Springbar, although it's not a RTT, is the best tent I have ever owned!

I think before the next trip I need to figure out a spare tire mount. It sure would free up alot of space in the trailer.

Here is a fun little story about the trip.
When we arrived at our campsite Friday night we began to hear loud mountain lion calls very close to our camp. It only lasted about a minute or so. Saturday night we heard it again even louder! I figured that because (as far as I knew) they were afraid of humans and very elusive, that there must have been other people in the area playing a prank on us. Well, later Saturday night I went for a drive and what do you know! A mountain lion crosses right in front of me! Kinda scary! We still camped up there but none of us got much sleep haha!
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Expedition Leader
We will be down that way this weekend, which side of 31 was this on? I'm hoping that the cooler nights will keep the crowds away a bit longer down there.


We drove SR31 through Fairview Canyon but did not camp there. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th pics were taken on our drive through Fairview, but the others were taken at our campsite above Mohrland. There were very few people camping through Fairview but it might be a different story over Memorial weekend.
If you go to google maps and punch in these coordinates 39°26'09" N 111°05'05" W you will see where we actually camped.
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