Fixed blade knife usefulness


Expedition Leader
I always wanted a nice fixed blade knife and now I have one. What do you use yours for? All the survival guys have one but I have not used mine for anything. Do you have any knife story's, tips or tricks on using one or how one has saved the day? is the one I bought.


I have a a couple of Mora knives that I keep on hand. I tried them because the brand is recommended by Ray Mears, and the history of Swedish knife production is long and interesting.

This is one of them: Mora of Sweden Carbon Knife # 1


I don't have any great stories, but they are good knives to have in your kit; durable, sharp, they hold an edge, great value.
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I too am "Old School" on a straight blade I like the hilt finger / hand protection of a Kbar. I have larger Kbar locking blade I really like but when cutting I have slipped... no accidents but could happen.

That said I really like your choice... can't speak for reliability but that's a good looking knife!!!


I much prefer a fixed blade. My daily carry is a folder lock-blade but that is just for convenience. When I am out and about in the woods I always wear a fixed blade. The first one is my favorite hunting knife. The second one I am getting made for my son for his B-day (and me one too :coffeedrink: ) It should serve him well for a long time.




I generally prefer out-the-front knives (have two Combat Troodons and a smaller one), but I generally carry an ADO fixed blade here in Africa. It's just more useful to have something where you have no doubt about a mechanism, a locking device, or whatever it is. For doing things that I do often, like cutting heads off chickens or prying the skin off jackfruit, getting nasty stuff into the mechanism of a folding blade knife or putting too much lateral/prying pressure on a folder mechanism just doesn't seem smart. The ADO is wonderful, holds an edge unbelievably well, and has a nice sheath that it stays in securely but not too firmly.

ADO video:


p nut

Upon the suggestion of someone here, I made my own knife last year. Not as tough as I first thought. It does take patience, but in the end, it was an experience well worth the blood and half of a fingernail (lesson learned: Knives are sharp and grinder wheels make quick work of fingernails). I ordered a 1/8" steel piece from (in O1 steel) and went to town. It should serve me well for years.

I prefer this to folders, as Containerized mentioned, it is more simple design less prone to failures.


This is the knife I was issued and used every single day in Afghanistan.

I don't have many crazy stories but I will share a couple.

The first time I realized how important a good, quality knife can be was on my first drop. Without getting too specific, we rolled out of the base in the middle of the night and drove to a big open field where they had dropped all the supplies for the next 10 weeks. My job, with a few others was to go out and cut all the parachutes off the pallets while the trucks provided a secure perimiter. It was a very memorable night for me, I'll never forget that very eerie feeling of looking out into the dark mountains and having that hair raising feeling of being watched. I was so happy to have that knife, It made slicing through those thick straps seem like a hot knife through butter.

There was another night that it came in handy but essentially caused the demise of my knife.

It was about 0100-0200 and we were up working because a large convoy had come in bringing mission essential gear. I can't remember all the details but somehow all the cables that were on the generator shorted and burned the ends. This generator 100kw, was providing power for the medical tent, as well as the helo pad and a few other things. I had about 2 minutes to get power back to those entities so I ran over, whipped out my knife and cut through (4) 100 amp cables, roughly the diamater of a golf ball each. The knife got the job done but rounded off the serrations. I still take it everywhere, and use the crap out of it. Ill send it back to benchmade one of these days to get sharpened.


Here in Cowzlafornia I have a CRKT M16 folder for daily use. As quick as I can run away from the city I have KaBars that I beat to death chopping, cutting, preparing food, throwing etc. My KaBars are from a batch that I bought for $25 each at a gun show that have Parkerized blades and plain leather sheaths. Camillus brand, probably Government contract a long time ago. Easy to sharpen.


I've had a fixed blade Western for almost thirty-five years now. I just used it this morning to start a grapefruit.

I have a Ka-Bar I use for digging weeds. My ex bought it for me. Kinda insulting but anything beats another damn shirt.

p nut

pnut... have any pics?

It's still a work in progress, as I need to put a fingerguard on it. Not sure how I'm going to do that just yet. Probably have a metal piece fabricated.

Even though it doesn't look as nice as the pictures above (not even close), I like it. Nothing special. But I was able to sand down an elk horn for the handle. It's full tang, so it was 2-piece.

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