For Sale! 1993 Camel Trophy Discovery, Team USA winning truck!


Expedition Leader


Expedition Leader
Since a firm asking price is required in the "For Sale" section, and auctions are not allowed, I'm moving this thread to the "Vehicles found online" section.


I like wheel'in around!
Sorry, figured since I was a member and the tag line for that forum was "Post vehicles that belongs to you - whether it is posted here or somewhere else. The more details the better!" It was late and I must have glanced over the other section. Thanks for the move. :)

Spinal issues=need.

And If you were selling something of large value, and bought it super cheap.....would you mark it up just 10% from the original buying price.....? Nope. No one would. They would go for gold. that I can guarantee.


Seems people have forgotten some of the expo rules:
No harassment: an item is worth what someone else will pay for it. To dump on someone's For Sale thread because you think the price is too high is inappropriate. Be respectful of the fact that someone is trying to sell an item or vehicle. We will delete all posts that only serve to disparage the item.

I appreciate the stories you shared with us about this truck.

Good Luck with the auction.



I can't believe this guy is getting flak for selling something here for more money than some people like. If you can't afford it or don't like it, don't buy it. Why even post?

We have a great thing in this country or we did at least, it is called the free market.

Good luck with your sale, man. I hope you get every penny you wanted and I hope the buyer enjoys the hell out of it, it's a nice piece of off-road history!


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Maybe there are enough deep pockets to buy these heavily marked up Landy's..............I don't think the majority of Landy Owners/Fans could or would support these occasional offering? These offerings might be better suited for something like Silicon Valley/Manhattan Shopping Network if or when it exists.

The Workshop 110 was available for 15K sterling approx last year and that included a second engine (original) if desired?
I think the 93 discovery was rather cheap and sold quickly.

Greed or Need??

Good Lord, it's the free market. Don't like it don't buy it - items are worth what the market says they are worth, just because the OP got a smoking deal when he bought it doesn't place him under some obligation to be as foolish as the person that sold it to him below market value.


Expedition Poseur
I've cleaned the thread up a bit.

Please take all discussion about the price to either PM, e-mail, or face to face over a campfire somewhere.

Valid for sale posts by forum members:


5. Negotiations and personal information should be exchanged via email or PM, not in the thread.



Pretty sure I remember the last time this was up for sale, if memory serves it sat for a long time and the seller pretty much sold it for the same price as a regular LR without the Trophy status. Cool story behind it and hopefully the right buyer comes along and restores it. Link to a cool story about it

Ok I'm not alone then I think I remember that posting and it was sold for dirt cheap compere to what is the asking price now. GLWS


Ok I'm not alone then I think I remember that posting and it was sold for dirt cheap compere to what is the asking price now. GLWS

It was listed on craigslist for I think $1500

There was a post on here referencing the craigslist post

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