Four Wheel Camper Propane Tanks


New member
On looking at the FWC Hawk I noticed that there are only two 10 pound propane tanks. I know space is limited but can you order a Hawk with two 20 pound tanks? If not is there a way to make the storage space bigger to fit bigger tanks?


Unfortunately that is not available at this time. Because the campers are pretty small, not much propane is used up. Most customers can go for 7 days + of full use before they run out with the tanks we provide. That would be running the refrigerator on propane, running the furnace, running the hot water heater, and cooking a couple of meals each day. Customers are usually pleasantly surprised. But I have seen a few customers over the years carry one additional tank if they are going to remote places and staying for a few weeks. Gear stores like Adventure Trailers in Prescott, AZ sell some nice (extra) propane tanks w/ a holder if you wanted to mount 1 more tank on the outside of the camper somewhere.


New member
I have spent multiple weeks camping in the spring running water heater, refrigerator and heater and have never even run close to running out of propane. It would need to be exceptional circumstances where you would need more than 20#. I even run my camp stove and lantern off of one of the 10 lb containers outside when camping and have never run low.


New member
Thanks for the replies. I live in the Rockies and it can be pretty cool here even in the summer. I want to make sure I have enough propane.

Deleted member 12023

With outside temps in the 20s, how long would 10# of propane last with furnace set at 60?
2-3 nights max. In those temps we set ours to the minimum just to keep the chill off. I’m usually outside changing the tank on the 3rd night.


Expedition Leader
Just finished 4 days in a Fleet with t-stat set at 62°, night time temp 15° - 40° & 9000' to 1200' = 10gals or $3.53. Heat at $ .88 day bargin.

Andy Douglass

New member
We've done multiple trips including several 2 week trips. Never in the dead of winter but some time in fall in the NV desert and the Rockies/Great Sand DUne/Mesa Verde. Did a night on top of Mesa Verde in a snowstorm, another night in Great Basin at 28 degrees. That was the only time we have had to fill our tanks on the road. We have a propane firepit that burns through the gas, but the camper appliances (furnace, stove, water heater) use a lot less than we think. I do think that running the furnace for multiple days straight in fairly cold weather would burn through it as even with the cold pack insulation, the FWC does shed a lot of heat. You should be fine with planning most trips around propane filling. I would recommend just testing it out before committing to adding more tanks; space is at a premium.

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