lost on the mainland
$250.00 for a coffee grinder? Are you kidding me? some people just have way too much money!
not really the burrs used and machining needed to make things consistent ?
this is like saying if you paid more than $10 for a knife you are to rich !
or paid more than $5 for a flash light !
or bought synthetic line for a winch !
or bought a 12v fridge since a cooler will do
why would you buy those tires they are way more than these !
I can buy a full set of screwdrivers for $5 at the dollar store and I get like 30 of them if you buy anything else you are RICH !!
again most of us know the above is not true ! and while I can buy a flashlight for $1 we know a $20 is nicer and for many who really rely on them $100 or more does get us more !
same thing with synthetic line their are characters that some of us notice some wont !
same thing with a knife a $5 knife is not going to work like a $50 one or a $100 one or a $200 one and some notice the difference as the prices go up and up ?
many who buy a fridge agree its the best money they ever spent
once you get into ANYTHING the quality is noticed and you often get what you pay for !