Fridge in truck toolbox


Sent Schutt Industries a question about their box and no they do not have any provisions for fridge ventilation. Their box is oversized by a few inches and the box is not air tight.


New member
I think I have a solution that will work. I've gotten a good reliable power source in the box now and the parts came in to cut the vent hole. So far it's been working ok without it when I tested it this weekend.
Scoutman you have any pictures you can share. Thx


Sent Schutt Industries a question about their box and no they do not have any provisions for fridge ventilation. Their box is oversized by a few inches and the box is not air tight.

If I read this right, you are describing a perimeter vent; that is, a very leaky-fitting lid, all around the top perimeter of the box. This is one way to get the passive ventilation I described in my first response. It can work very well. The larger the gap under the lid, the more easily it leaks air, the better it will work. A lid gap of .2" is a BIG vent, if it is the entire lid perimeter of a box this size. So far, so good.

Now, be sure that the bottom venting is just as generous, and distributed similarly. That is, as evenly around the perimeter of the bottom of the box as you possibly can make it, just as with the lid.

You are getting there :)


If I read this right, you are describing a perimeter vent; that is, a very leaky-fitting lid, all around the top perimeter of the box. This is one way to get the passive ventilation I described in my first response. It can work very well. The larger the gap under the lid, the more easily it leaks air, the better it will work. A lid gap of .2" is a BIG vent, if it is the entire lid perimeter of a box this size. So far, so good.

Now, be sure that the bottom venting is just as generous, and distributed similarly. That is, as evenly around the perimeter of the bottom of the box as you possibly can make it, just as with the lid.

You are getting there :)

They did not spell out that they had a leaky box lid. I imagine those buying a trailer of that caliber would expect a relatively sealed box for water and dust. The rep mentioned that a number of customers do serious water crossings with those trailers so having a water resistant box was pretty important. In the first picture of this thread it looks like there is a bulb gasket around the lid to keep the dust out. He did acknowledge that there was room for improvement but so far they hadn't any issues with the current design.

I probably won't end up with something that will completely satisfy your requirements Kevin but I think in the end it will work just fine. Now I need to get some pictures off my phone...


Electrical is mostly done. I ran a 10 ga 3 conductor SJOOW cable from the battery to the toolbox with a 20A circuit breaker at the battery end. Two conductor wasn't available. After a lot of head scratching I found the best place to drill a hole in the box for the bulkhead grommet to fit and then routed the wires into a small Hammond project box I picked up from Amazon. I used 3m VHB tape to hold it to the inside of my toolbox to keep from drilling any unnecessary holes. I finished it off with a Powerlet PSO-008 Hella style locking socket.

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It's been running for a few weeks now and no issues as long as the exhaust vent has some space. I'll show what I'm planning to do there in a bit.

Remote fridge monitor for the CFX fridges is supposed to come in tomorrow.


I believe since the CFX line is relatively new in the US market the supported accessories have been slower to hit the retailers. After I ordered the fridge I contacted Dometic USA and asked where I could get the wireless fridge thermometer. Since this would be living in the toolbox I wanted to keep an eye on what's going on back there. I ordered one up on back order and it finally came in on Friday. Testing it out it seemed like it didn't work unless it was sitting on top of the fridge and certainly wouldn't work from the advertised ~49' away. Heck, it would't even get a signal from 6' away in the truck cab. I called Dometic this morning and they said it's probably a faulty unit so they're sending me a new one free of charge. Not bad. :sombrero:

So far I really like having a fridge. I've been camping a few times with it, I haul my cold lunch stuff with me to work and keep a few drinks in it on a daily basis to keep cold. Still need to get the vent hole drilled. :Wow1:


I wanted to bump this since I'm thinking about building a box for my fridge to live in. it will be mounted to my flat bed ram 3500. have you made any headway with this?


I wanted to bump this since I'm thinking about building a box for my fridge to live in. it will be mounted to my flat bed ram 3500. have you made any headway with this?

I have been running it non stop since I got it wired in. So far so good. I havent put the vent hole in it just yet but have the parts to do it.



Here's a shot in the box when I was getting the electrical fitted. You can see how close quarters I'm working with.


That's perfect! I've got an old contractor box that I'm thinking about using as a modular camping box to house a couple batteries, an inverter and the fridge as well as all the wiring. my goal is to be able to remove the entire setup with a few bolts and a single electrical connection to the truck. Thanks for the killer idea


Wanted to post a quick update on the wireless digital display. The batteries run down completely in a matter of a week or 2 and like I mentioned before the signal strength sucks. If I had this on the dash like I wanted then I would probably hard wire it to the truck power. So far I haven't had the urge to run wires behind the back seat.

We ran backroads in North Georgia this past weekend and the fridge got a good jarring around and a good workout hauling groceries to and from our cabin for the weekend. This size is ok for a family of 4 for a weekend but you have to pack smart for sure.

I had the red error light come on one time this weekend and after some searches found this on their website....

"If the power LED is flashing once every five seconds this means that the refrigerator is sensing low voltage. The battery needs to be recharged or the wiring in the vehicle may be inadequate, or, you need to adjust the battery protection level to a lower setting.
The error LED flashing means;
Twice every 5 seconds: The fan has a problem. Is something jamming the fan blade such as a pencil poked through the vent by a child? If not, the fan may be faulty and you should contact an authorised service centre.
Thrice every five seconds: Power may have been interrupted at a critical stage of the refrigeration cycle. Switch off for ten minutes then restart the refrigerator. If problem persists, contact an authorised service centre.
Four times every five seconds: Compressor struggling to achieve speed. Switch off, wait 10 minutes then attempt restart. If problem persists contact an authorised service centre.
Five times every five seconds: The unit is overheating. Check that the vents are not blocked by other equipment in the vehicle. It is easy for example to toss a sleeping bag in the back of your wagon and it could roll against the vent causing an overheat situation. The vents should be kept clear at all times.

From here.

In my case I had 3 blinks. I have noticed that when cranking this big diesel I get a power drop which is to be expected. I imagine that to be the case this time. I found it interesting that there are codes for fan restrictions, unit overheating, etc. which makes me feel a little better about running it where I am. The vents still need to go in but as I learn more about how it acts I get a better idea of how I want to install them. I'd hate to cut big holes in my box and then change it later. :Wow1:


Made some more progress this weekend on getting some ventilation in the toolbox. Took a deep breath, measured one final time and then drilled a 4.5" hole in the back of the box in line with the exhaust vent of the fridge. :Wow1:

I also modified the vent cover that I'm placing over the hole to keep the weather out. Still deciding on how I'm going to attach the cover (rivets, screws, vhb).

Now I need to get the intake vent figured out and in. Forgot to take picts of the modified exhaust vent.





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