Fruita, CO to Moab, UT - Oct 07


Well i've been hanging out in Fruita for a few days now and eventually i'll be working my way through Moab and back to AZ. I know there's the mountain bike trail that goes from Fruita to Moab but does anyone know of 4x4 trail or even just dirt roads that do this? I was looking over some topo's and it looks like there's trails going from Fruita to Dewey UT which of course takes you to 128 and into Moab, but i have no idea if what the conditions of those roads are or if they wind up passing through private land. Anyone have any info?



Expedition Leader
You might try contacting the Legend himself - Bill Burke - I think he is based in Fruita. He is quite the expedition / adventure guy and may have some info for you.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
You can do it, but cross over the Dewey Bridge. I'll post up some more route info if I can find it, I've done that trip a time or two many years past.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
pskhaat said:
You can do it, but cross over the Dewey Bridge. I'll post up some more route info if I can find it, I've done that trip a time or two many years past.
You can't drive over the Dewey Bridge. But wouldn't you detour from Cisco Landing over to UT128, check out the bridge and could go back up to the Kokopelli by way of Top of the World trail?


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
pskhaat said:
Not the old one, but isn't the new bridge called the dewey bridge too?
Uh, yeah, probably. Duh. But when you said Dewey, I thought of the historic sheep bridge. <kicking the dirt, shaking head>


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Did you ever drive over the old bridge? I remember doing so in the later 80s was it? I think it was right when I first got my license and I had my first FJ40 (which BTW Dave was the one that you ended up owning :O) and a friend's father took us out to drive the White Rim Trail. That whole thing was why I got into this crazy truck stuff.

jeff@work, another route to that bridge and into Moab that I forgot about is taking DS Road from inside the CO Nat'L Monument which will shove you far into UT, the South side of the Mighty Colorado. I remember once DS ends you have a number of different backroad options.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
pskhaat said:
Did you ever drive over the old bridge? I remember doing so in the later 80s was it? I think it was right when I first got my license and I had my first FJ40
Don't remember ever being able to drive over that bridge and honestly, I'd be scared poop-less to try!


Thanks for the responses guys! Scott if you do have anymore route info that would be great. I'm gonna study the maps and bit more and try to swing by ote in the next couple days.

Gary that was me :bike_rider: Thanks for asking me if i needed any directions, however what you should have done was tell me to stay away from moore fun lol


jeff@work said:
Thanks for the responses guys! Scott if you do have anymore route info that would be great. I'm gonna study the maps and bit more and try to swing by ote in the next couple days.

Gary that was me :bike_rider: Thanks for asking me if i needed any directions, however what you should have done was tell me to stay away from moore fun lol

I like folks to figure Moore Fun out for themselves... hehehe That trail has cost me cracked ribs and lots of blood.:sport_box

It was a perfect day for riding!

We are opening our DH/FR trail @ the Lunch Loops tomorrow if you want to scare yourself.


Oh I found out about it! ..i was hobbling around all day my knees were so sore (i need the biking emoticon but with the guy lying on the ground with the bike on top of him :oops: ) I did have a blast on mary's loop and horsethief bench though.

Where's the lunch loops? Is there any other cool trails out there? My doctor wouldn't be too thrilled with me if i was trying some freeride/downhill biking.


jeff@work said:
Where's the lunch loops? Is there any other cool trails out there? My doctor wouldn't be too thrilled with me if i was trying some freeride/downhill biking.

They are about two miles North of the east entrance of the Monument, just south of downtown GJ.
The LL trails are fantastic, techy, steep and fun. I rarely make it to 18 Road or Koko I like the Lunch Loops so much.

two-five-oh-two-nine-oh-seven is my cell if you have any questions about them. I can recommend a killer loop.

I'm leaving for dinner and beer with friends at the Cavet House Pub, on Colorado Ave., right now, feel free to join us.
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Thanks for the invite Gary very cool of you but I'm all setup for camp out in Rabbit Valley and too tired to break it down and head back into town. I'll give you a call tomorrow to find out the info on that loop though!

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