Fujifilm X-T1 discussion


So, I've decided to pop for another X-T1 body as well as the 50-140 lens. I'm now on the fence as to whether or not I want to also spring for the 10-24 or the 56mm/1.4.

Decisions, decisions.

10-24mm is on my radar also. I guess it depends on your style of photography. But as Brian says "you really need them all".

I shot some photos of our dogs yesterday and I was pretty impressed with the high ISO results and even the little flash that comes with it. Im no pixel peeper but I think my photos are going to come a long way with this little thing.

All my Nikon gear is laid out on the table to be put on Gumtree later today. When I picked up my D90 last night it felt like a GIANT in my hand and that was with the grip removed! How did I do such a long overland trip shooting D90+grip+18-200mm? I even backpacked with it for 2 months across Indonesia. no wonder I got some funny looks in remote places.



I've got the 10-24 and LOVE it. I'm a sucker for ultra wide, and I've been extremely impressed. I really think it's every bit as good as the Nikon 16-35 that it's replacing (if not better in some regards).

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
How did I do such a long overland trip shooting D90+grip+18-200mm?

I did my bikepack trip in Iceland with a Canon 5DMkII with a hulking 24-105L lens and a load of batteries. When I was dragging my mountain bike and all my camping gear up a 100 meter tall pile of volcanic ash I about cried and knowing my camera was on my back - did not help. The X-T1 has been so nice for those trips. But, now that I have that 50-140 lens in the bag, I'm back up to loads as heavy as a small baby. :)

The X-T1 does take killer shots.


Waaaay off in the distance within the wheel, you can see little white dots. Those are sheep. Shot with the 18-55 lens.

I'm also getting very dialed in with the custom button functions (all six buttons). That's been very helpful for my weird and quirky processes. I do wish the interval function could be tied to a custom button.
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I really like the X-T1. The one thing that I wish was a bit different (and actually surprised me when I dug into it) is why exposure bracketing is limited to 3 shots and +/- 1 stop. I would prefer to be able to go up to 5 shots and +/- 2 or 3 stops.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
I don't bracket much as that seems like a throwback to film days. With the huge exposure comp dial, and the ability to make adjustments in post, the 3 captures at over/under a stop seem ample to me.


I don't bracket much as that seems like a throwback to film days. With the huge exposure comp dial, and the ability to make adjustments in post, the 3 captures at over/under a stop seem ample to me.

In the film days we bracketed to make sure that we got the correct exposure. You're right that bracketing isn't really needed for that anymore with digital. However, bracketing with digital beyond +/- 1 stop is still very useful for HDR photography. Yes, there are ways around the limitation using the exposure comp dial, but it seems like it would be a pretty simple thing to implement in firmware.


Personally I have always avoided auto-bracketing, I find it so easy just to spin the shutter or aperture dial, for the times when you need long brackets


Agreed, I would like to see more shots or bigger adjustments with the bracketing.

One thing that really annoys me with the custom settings is that I cannot create a custom for RAW shots and another for JPEG shots. That is really bugging me. Im not to bothered about the film simulations or the other adjustments as I tend to do these in post.

Has anyone tried the Samyang 8mm fisheye? These seem to be getting good reviews and they are pretty cheap. Considering this or the Fuji 14mm instead of the 10-24mm.


Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
I love this camera. I just cracked off 3700 images in Nepal in the last two weeks. Traveling with three professional photographers, one an award winning shooter with decades of experience, even he was impressed with the Fuji. It's more than just quality. The wifi is great for travel as I can view images on my high-resolution Samsung Edge Plus phone. The size is nice. Love it.

Hindu funeral and cremation ceremony. Katmandu.



I'm a new X-T1 convert. After almost 6 years of use it was time to retire the trusty old D300s. Picked up the X-T1, 16-55mm 2.8 and the 35mm 1.4. All I can say is WOW. Not that the D300s was a slouch or anything. I loved that body, but the Fuji images are simply stunning. It's amazing the advances in tech since 2008. It will take some practice to get used to the new smaller kit and all the new functionality, but I'm really impressed. Can't wait to put it through its paces this weekend.


Autism Family Travellers!
I have been preaching this for years and years. There is just something about Fuji photos. There is this POP and realism that no other camera produces. That's why I went back to Fuji from Olympus, to canon and sony. None of them produced photos like the Fuji does. I have to say, my nokia 1020 has the same POP to the photos as well. Thank god!

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