Fun questions & van comments


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I had a lady today get so scared when I came around an intersection that she practically jumped into the pass seat. And got a thumbs up from some teenage kids in my bro's neighborhood.

Oh, and my van got hit the other night in a parking lot :( gonna need a trip to the body shop.


We just got back from 17 days on the road in ours (family holiday road trip), one of the things that surprised me on our trip was the amount of people who will walk right up and start asking questions, even if your busy trying to do some thing and no matter what time it was. Almost every time (no joking 8-10) I got out for gas, register at a hotel (few nights in the van and then a few in a hotel, needed with 4 kids), checking into an RV park, etc. someone would walk up and want to talk. Now this happens here around town, I.E. (Thumb's up, hey that's RAD, did you build that, we've even had a few women fallow us into the grocery store to ask us questions) but I really was shocked at the interest and the questions we got considering where we were most of the times and what they were driving (normally really nice RV's Diesel pushers, Porsche, Ferrari's, Benz's etc.) Our trip took us down all of HWY 101 & 1 down the whole Cali coast, then through AZ back up towards home, so needless to say there lots of really nice rides there!!!
My wife has gotten to the point where when someone walks up and starts asking questions, she'll just turn and go on with what she was doing, she know's it going to be a minute.
Weirdest for me: hey are you ATF or a FED?
Coolest: thumbs up from a guy (on our last trip) in a 250 GTO (Steve McQueen type of Cool) in Malibu (of course).


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Today, within 5 minutes of each other I heard a guy tell his buddy "that thing gets 300 yards per gallon" Then a girl told her boyfriend "you can't even get in it"

Earlier today, a guy asked if I can drive it at highway speeds.

Love it all!!!!


Last week

The wife, and the whole gang and I were out doing the normal weekly grocery shopping thing a few weeks back, when all of a sudden over the P.A. System we here, "excuse me shoppers, will the person owning the Large Blue Van please come to the courtesy desk". I'm thinking great, someone hit my van, bummer!!!! So the wife, kids and I walk up to the front of the store to find out what going on, and honest to god, there was this lady with her 4 kids. She starts by saying she's sorry for disturbing us, but she has seen my van around town here and there and her and her hubby really wanted to ask me some of questions.....

So no damage, it was funny & little out there none the less, I thought I was the only won that would track down someone who had a cool ride I was interested in, none the less a mom with her kids...

So after we all walk away, I got to rib my wife a little bit, see I'm not the only one, :wings:

Vans Rule!!!!


This Space For Rent
Every time I'm out in Boomer, people honk, thumbs up out the window, and mouth things like "Awesome Van" and "Killer". Needless to say, we get lots of attention....sometimes we like it, other times it is a hassle. We also get the typical "there is enough room in there to steal like 50 kids"...luckily these comments come from close friends who like to rib. When fueling up, the typical "can I take a picture" and "what kind of mileage does THAT thing get?" stuff gets repeated over and over.
I was out in the middle of nowhere last fall, and literally 60 miles into the woods, I came across a couple sherrifs in a decked out dept. SUV. They waved as I passed, and later on when I was taking a break on the side of the logging road, they came up from behind and stopped. We ended up shooting the **** for 15 minutes or so about the rig. I realized after they passed on that the registration had just expired. Whoops!

All in all, it brings out some neat conversations and interesting people.



Around van is quite rare (black). 90% are white and the other 9.9% are RV style with all the decals, so they don't stand out at all.
After picking up my Daughter one day at school(gr7)...she told me all the students were impressed by it and calling it the CIA Van.
Don't they know it's CSIS(Canadian Security Intelligence Service) here!
Kids these days :rolleyes: :ylsmoke:

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