FUSO: What's in a name?


Who Knew? From: http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Fuso

Fuso or Fuso may refer to:

- Fuso is the Japanese pronunciation of the word FusangFusang
Fusang or Fousang is a country described by the China Buddhism missionary Hui Shen in 499 CE, as a place 20,000 Chinese Li east of Da-Han, and also east of China....
, an ancient naming for Japan.
- Japanese ironclad warship FusoJapanese ironclad warship Fuso
was an ironclad warship of the early Imperial Japanese Navy. She was built by the Samuda Brothers on the Isle of Dogs, London, United Kingdom, and commissioned in January 1878....
, a cruiser of the Imperial Japanese Navy that fought in the Battle of Yalu River
- Japanese battleship FusoJapanese battleship Fuso
Fuso , was a battleship of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the lead ship of the Fuso class battleship-class. She was laid down by the Kure, Hiroshima Kaigun Kosho on 11 March 1912, launched on 28 March 1914 and completed on 18 November 1915....
, a battleship of the Imperial Japanese Navy that fought in World War II
- Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus CorporationMitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation
The Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation is a Germany-owned, Japan-based manufacturer of trucks and buses. It is headquartered in Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan....
, or one of the company's brands of truck
Fuso, AichiFuso, Aichi

- is a towns of Japan located in Niwa District, Aichi, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.As of 2003, the town has an estimated population of 32,301 and a population density of 2,889.18 persons per km?....
, a town in Japan



Thanks for the additional detailed Fuso information Doug! I was Googling for "armored Fuso" when I stumbled onto the link. More on the Armoring interest someday in the future.


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