Gen 3 BG EPR Flush/Rotella T6 Oil Change WOW! Thoughts? Experience?


Bought an '01 Limited with 137ish and immediately performed and oil change with M1 5-30 (Normal M1) and a Mobil 1 Filter. Had continual and lifter tick; tried the Idle/15s to 3K/Idle Fix. Better, but still annoying, particularly with 15-25F start temps. Tried filling 5mm over as was recommended by several Australians...still tick, tick, tick.

Used around 1.7 qts in 4590, which is apparently normal, but seemed excessive as my 242k SAAB 9-5 eats less than .3 qt over 5k. Thanks to many great forum contributors, I was keenly aware of the 6G74's valve guide/valve seal/lash adjuster issues. Ran through parts/price/procedure for doing the heads, but with only 141k, I figured I would try the BG EPR (formerly BG109) prior to going for it or even pulling the lifters.

I had heard of people using BG109 in the past on SAAB 2.3T motors (notorious sludgers) with excellent results, confirmed by a sump drop. I have already run BG 44k through the fuel system with a noticeable improvement.

Sooo..added the EPR to my thoroughly warmed(by driving) motor. The reduction in mechanical sounds was nearly immediate! It continued to become more quiet over the 12 minutes that the motor ran with the EPR. I held 1200-1300 rpm for a "bit", and performed the lifter drill twice. I was a bit unsure about the higher revs (3K), but I wanted to be certain I had gotten sufficient oil pressure to blow out any "gunk". Performed an oil change with the Rotella T6 5w-40 and a M1 Filter.

Just an amazing change. Quiet, idles much more smoothly(and I have "Random Misfire code/due for plugs wires). Mrs. Refugee came out and asked what I had done, the car "sounds great". It feels MUCH sharper with light tip in and pulls cleanly at 2000-2200 uphill in 5th, something it struggle with previously. Mrs Refugee took it for a quick jaunt and came back grinning. "That much of a change from a can and some different oil?" YEP. "You're a car geek" Yep.

Color me impressed and elated. We'll see with regard to oil consumption, but even if it just stays below the 2.5 qts/5000 Factory "Normal", I will be thrilled with the new throttle response and SILENCE. I would love to see before/after compression figures if anyone else gives the EPR a go. As for Rotella T6, my SAAB loves it, and so does the Montero. $21.88 Gal @ Wally World or Prime!

I'll follow up with a Blackstone UOA after the next change.

Still need to do wires/plugs, but currently right around 18.8-19.3 Hwy with Assurance Fuel Max 265/70's, so I am curious to see what it does. Going to A/T 3's or KO2's in 265/75 16, so I suppose I'll enjoy the mileage while it lasts.


A big plus one for Rotella T6 (and the 15w-40 for conventional applications) and BG products in general.


Can u use T6 in a gasoline engine, I use it for my deisel work truck not sure about my monty 😂

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T6 is a great motor oil, but I would be hesitant to use it in an oil burner. It has a pretty high zinc content which is great for wear protection, but can quickly damage the 02 sensors.

My '02 was an oil burner and I briefly ran T6. Mine threw an 02 code after about 6K miles.


T6 is a great motor oil, but I would be hesitant to use it in an oil burner. It has a pretty high zinc content which is great for wear protection, but can quickly damage the 02 sensors.

My '02 was an oil burner and I briefly ran T6. Mine threw an 02 code after about 6K miles.

Contaminating the cat is a concern, and certainly something to be aware if excessive oil consumption is an issue. I don't seem to have any of the classic smoking after idling or when accelerating, so I am not terribly concerned, but I could see a rig that makes smokescreens toasting cats/O2 Sensors. Good info.


"Shell Rotella® T6 Full Synthetic Heavy Duty Engine Oil features an advanced multi-functional, low-ash additive technology in a synthetic base oil designed to provide highly responsive protection that continuously adapts to your driving conditions"

If you are burning oil it's just a matter of time with sensors. I ran T6 in my 2002 pathfinder, VG 3.5L, with 5,000 to 7,500 change intervals for more than 70k miles and this SUV has 4 cats, never had one sensor or anything go out.

A lot of this comes down to the health of your engine - why poor good oil in something that will burn it up? Run the cheap stuff or get the motor rebuilt.

The other part is how clean the motor will keep itself - "Like New!" - and that in a strange way sometimes reveals leaks and other stuff due to stuff "Moving Along" in the system as the oil cleans and breaks down contaminants.

The other part that made me a believer is running a turbo car in the Las Vegas NV heat 120+ degrees without worry - all day - this oil never quits! My brakes do, but not the oil.

Plus I'd rather preserves the motor and by a Cat until I can DeCat it~! Some day


T6 does not have enough zinc to cause cat issues. I've used it for almost 9 years now exclusively in every vehicle with no issues.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


After enough internet searches I chose to run Rotella in our 2000 Isuzu Amigo [3.2L V6 Gas]. Reason being that it would appear, based upon numerous debates, that the rattle/ chatter/ oil consumption would improve.

When purchased this past year [less than 6 months ago] the oil was filthy, so we did a regular oil change. 500 miles later, we changed the regular oil again - along with a Baldwin brand filter [known for their excellent construction/ reliabilty]. 500 miles later the oil was getting cleaner, but oil consumption was very noticeable [still using standard oils at this point].

Finally, after doing all the research I decided to go the diesel oil route... for my needs, and this vehicle I likely will never do anything else again. The oil is cleaner, the noises today are almost non-existent and the oil consumption is minimal... note that Isuzu claims this particular engine - from the factory - is expected to burn 1qt. per 1000 miles.

Do your research, plenty of information about. We do not run the Isuzu hard [lower rpm's/ lower mileage trips]. There is a caveat with diesel oils that refer to diesel trucks running all day at very limited rpm ranges, and that typical gasoline engines run at much higher rpm's - hence, making the argument for not using such in gas engines [then again, I witness Cummins pickup owners running the stink out of them on city streets... yeah, Bud - we know you're so cool!]. Dual-rated diesel oils will not destroy your gas engine. Probably the biggest issue will be for those in much colder climates, and the thicker viscosity associated with diesels [cold starts are the bane of any engine's existence].

Most everything is a risk... this is a controlled risk... I'm secure with my choice.


Expedition Leader
Bought an '01 Limited with 137ish and immediately performed and oil change with M1 5-30 (Normal M1) and a Mobil 1 Filter. Had continual and lifter tick; tried the Idle/15s to 3K/Idle Fix. Better, but still annoying, particularly with 15-25F start temps. Tried filling 5mm over as was recommended by several Australians...still tick, tick, tick.

Used around 1.7 qts in 4590, which is apparently normal, but seemed excessive as my 242k SAAB 9-5 eats less than .3 qt over 5k. Thanks to many great forum contributors, I was keenly aware of the 6G74's valve guide/valve seal/lash adjuster issues. Ran through parts/price/procedure for doing the heads, but with only 141k, I figured I would try the BG EPR (formerly BG109) prior to going for it or even pulling the lifters.

I had heard of people using BG109 in the past on SAAB 2.3T motors (notorious sludgers) with excellent results, confirmed by a sump drop. I have already run BG 44k through the fuel system with a noticeable improvement.

Sooo..added the EPR to my thoroughly warmed(by driving) motor. The reduction in mechanical sounds was nearly immediate! It continued to become more quiet over the 12 minutes that the motor ran with the EPR. I held 1200-1300 rpm for a "bit", and performed the lifter drill twice. I was a bit unsure about the higher revs (3K), but I wanted to be certain I had gotten sufficient oil pressure to blow out any "gunk". Performed an oil change with the Rotella T6 5w-40 and a M1 Filter.

Just an amazing change. Quiet, idles much more smoothly(and I have "Random Misfire code/due for plugs wires). Mrs. Refugee came out and asked what I had done, the car "sounds great". It feels MUCH sharper with light tip in and pulls cleanly at 2000-2200 uphill in 5th, something it struggle with previously. Mrs Refugee took it for a quick jaunt and came back grinning. "That much of a change from a can and some different oil?" YEP. "You're a car geek" Yep.

Color me impressed and elated. We'll see with regard to oil consumption, but even if it just stays below the 2.5 qts/5000 Factory "Normal", I will be thrilled with the new throttle response and SILENCE. I would love to see before/after compression figures if anyone else gives the EPR a go. As for Rotella T6, my SAAB loves it, and so does the Montero. $21.88 Gal @ Wally World or Prime!

I'll follow up with a Blackstone UOA after the next change.

Still need to do wires/plugs, but currently right around 18.8-19.3 Hwy with Assurance Fuel Max 265/70's, so I am curious to see what it does. Going to A/T 3's or KO2's in 265/75 16, so I suppose I'll enjoy the mileage while it lasts.

I didn't realize the 01 had a 5-speed auto?

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