Generic GPS


Expedition Leader
Can anyone recommend a decent GPS? I'm looking for something that I can pick up cheapish off eBay (say $100ish). Currently the Lowrance iFinders are top of my list. Something that I can use both in the car and hiking. Not necessarily street navigation, but figuring out where I am relative to where I want to be, and also when then group leader gives GPS coordinates to the camping spot. :smiley_drive: When I get to where I am I driving to, I want to be able to take the unit and go explore.

Ideally something that can take some sort of topo maps and communicate with a laptop. Since I plan to use it in the car, I think it would need to accept an external antenna.

I have casually looked at (but not used) iFinder, eXplorist, older Magellan and Etrex, but keep coming back to the Lowrance units. They also seem to be a good value on the used market and I've been told they continue to provide firmware updates for older models.

The Leadville trip was the first time that I really thought I needed GPS. In the past I seemed to get to where I needed to go with a map and compass, so GPS (and communication beynd hand-held radios) is new technology and a new concept to me.


I was also looking at something inexpensive but decided to hold off and save up some extra cash and got myself a Lowrance iFinder Expedition C plus. I'm glad I did. The plus package comes with with topo software and I have been very happy with it. I have it mounted in the truck for driving and can just pop it out for hiking. Though I have nothing to compare it to, its my first gps, the software seems great. Shows all kinds of detail. It also takes memory cards so you are not limited in that dept. the whole thing can be had for $323 ib


I have had several and like the Delorme with TOPO USA the best. The GPS works with most all maping packages. I have one permanently mounted in the Cruiser and another that I take in the other vehicles.

They are around $75 - $100 on eBay.

Scott Brady

I think it will store 1000 waypoints, plus around 30mb of maps.

It really is a great unit and a bargain at $100

Nothing new in that price range can compare IMHO


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FWIW, I'm still using a 10 year old Garmin GPSIII (non-plus) and while it is definately getting dated, it still does the GPS thing very well and doesn't miss a beat. Rest assured, you can spend very little and still get alot of GPS for your money. I think $100 for a GPS V sounds like a steal. :)

Seldom Seen

bigreen505 said:
Can it store way points and things like that?

Owners manual says; 500 user way points with name and graphic symbol; 20 reversible routes, 30 way points each. 19meg's of memory.

BUT I know I have at least 24megs of maps in mine. I have detailed street maps and POI's from Cheyenne Wyo down to south of the springs. I have been able to load routes with up to 84 way points and I've stored "tracks w/50 WPs. I have down loaded the firmware updates from Garmin (FREE!!) so maybe that has something to do with it :confused:


Just know that the software will set you back close to $100 if it doesnt come with it. You can load topo, city navigator or any of the other software.

The V is a good one to start with.


Expedition Leader
Thanks all, I bought the Garmin figuring I could sell it if I don't like it. It does come with the MapSource CD, but it is PC and I'm Mac. Anyone know how to make this thing talk to a mac?


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