Getting High And, I Brought my Daughter...


Expedition Leader
Lilly and I traveled down to the town of Buena Vista. Buena Vista sits on the banks of the Arkansas River. With all the late season snow, the water was turning. What to do? Go rafting.

We got lucky with the weather and it was a great day on the water!


Lilly loves to paddle...She helped spot "strainers" in the river.


Afterwards, we had a dinner at a local brew pub and then headed back up into the high country to find a place to camp for the night.

The following day, we explored the high country that makes Colorado so famous and lovely in the summer!



There are so many neat, quiet towns on the backroads. We stopped at Tincup to check out their General Store. Lilly loved it!


Town Hall...


Afterwards, we followed another dirt track up and up...Just amazing scenery!


We topped off at over 12,000 feet! Crazy country...


The mining relics of days past were everywhere...


Where would this high country road lead? More to come...



Expedition Leader
Colorado is grand! High mountain passes, hikes through alpine tundra, and visiting historic mining towns...We were on our way up to the Alpine Tunnel. An amazing, engineering work of art...The tunnel was blasted through the mountain and allowed the train to carry passengers all the way to Gunnison. Today, you will find the tracks gone but the "road" is still there and we decided to check it out. Just an amazing drive...


The area is restored and we hiked around reading the signs with information on this high altitude train depot. Lilly waiting for the next train.



Yep, we were high...


Lilly enjoying the moment...


The track led us down to the town of Pitkin. What a neat Colorado town...We stopped for dinner at the general store. Talked with the owner's son about the town and the surroundings.


He told us about a "forest wizard"...So, we had to check it out! What a work of art!


The following day...We had to say goodbye to Colorado. A dirt road leading us home...


No one was there to welcome us back home. Leaving Colorado and heading into Utah!


Found a nice place to camp for the night.


The final installment...Lilly likes home!


Expedition Leader
Our final day saw us dropping down to "home"-the deserts of Utah. It was a cloudy day, which helped with the heat, but we gained 25 degrees on the way down from the LaSals. The deserts of Utah were quiet. Not too many people out and about...Come Fall, a different story:)


We played in the desert waters to cool off a bit...Lilly made a birthday cake!


Without to much glory, we refueled in Moab and headed north. Another daddy-daughter trip in the books. What a great time!

Until next time...


My little girl is 3.5 yo. I can't wait to start taking her on father daughter trips! I hope we have as much fun as you and Lilly!


Another great trip report, mph. We seem to be following your tire tracks. After the chance meeting in Utah last Spring, I am taking notes on this report for an upcoming Co. trip planned for next month.
I'm literally taking notes, but I'm also taking to heart your advice to just follow interesting trails and stop at interesting places and don't stress about an itinerary.
Just got back from a father/son camping trip with my 22 yr-old son; the fun doesn't necessarily stop.


Expedition Leader
Awesome...PM if you want any other insights. You will have a blast! You the the Wells Book, right? Must have...It will keep you busy for days...

Another great trip report, mph. We seem to be following your tire tracks. After the chance meeting in Utah last Spring, I am taking notes on this report for an upcoming Co. trip planned for next month.
I'm literally taking notes, but I'm also taking to heart your advice to just follow interesting trails and stop at interesting places and don't stress about an itinerary.
Just got back from a father/son camping trip with my 22 yr-old son; the fun doesn't necessarily stop.


PM sent and received. Thanks much for the info, MPH. The excitement starts with planning, and I'm downloading maps onto the tablet as I compose here.
Your report has me thinking about respooling the reels and packing fishing gear. Life out of balance when the rods have been hanging in the garage for 10 yrs.


Expedition Leader
Enjoy! Yes, pack the rods...there is some nice fishing around Durango and Telluride (especially if you head west towards Utah...San Miguel River???)
Have fun!

PM sent and received. Thanks much for the info, MPH. The excitement starts with planning, and I'm downloading maps onto the tablet as I compose here.
Your report has me thinking about respooling the reels and packing fishing gear. Life out of balance when the rods have been hanging in the garage for 10 yrs.


No other pink tutu has seen so much adventure--I love it. Enjoy your daughter while she still thinks you're cool. I had a blast with mine.

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