Guidance, Advice Needed


Hey is all your fault for letting my wife & I drive yours!
On a side note I bought a 4wd mag in Europe and there is an article on the Overland Expo and your van is shown. I will get you a color copy and info in case you want to get the mag. Pm my an adrs.

I know I will lose money on the transition from my FJC to a Sportsmobile but for the first time my wife is ok with the overland habit since she will enjoy it more :)

I met you and Andy at the expo, and that is where I caught the SMB bug. I have spent 8 nights in mine so far, but last weekend my wife spent her first two nights in the SMB up in Silverton for the fourth. She was not really sold on the idea, but she ended up loving it, and can hardly wait for next weekend when we are going to head out again.

Expedition Will

New member
Great looking Rigs and thanks

Wow this is great informatin. You all have some amazing rigs. Your help and advise is welcomed. I have been able to see two Sports Mobiles up close here in town over the last few days and they are quite cool. The wife commnets are a huge plus because she has that old impression of van conversionsbuilt into her mind. One of the owners was nice enough to open it up for us and they were just retruning from a hike and had spent the night at 9,000 feet in absolute comfort.
Would have loved to have had one of these when I did Zimbabwe to Cape Town or Trans Mexico rather than myLand Rovers.
Thankyou all for the pictures, write ups and comments this is helpful stuff.



Expedition Leader
Yeah, I still can't figure out why the support crew for The Long Way Round (Down, over, across) weren't in SMBs. They are the perfect vehicle for what they were doing.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I have a feeling you will find a way to exceed the GVWR of any imaginable vehicle. Mark my words!! :sombrero: :coffeedrink::victory::smiley_drive::ylsmoke:

Yeah Mike you have seen me at my worst when it comes to packing for long trips :)
I have been researching the GVW of the Sportsmobile and I think I can take even more stuff! How cool is that?
Seriously though I am a perfect example of someone who bought on impulse before I really knew what I needed vs what I wanted.
In truth a Defender 110 is my dream rig but it still would not meet Disabled Explorers needs as well as a SMB will.

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