Hammock Camping.....


lost on the mainland
#1 proper tarp :) not sure what you had ? most from ENO etc... are way to small
and pitch the tarp first and you are under cover the whole time
your hammock should be separate from your tarp !
tents in heavy rain ? well again I would try to pitch a large tarp first but at least I dont have to put anything on the ground and pack away a wet muddy tent :)

#2 ? not sure did you get wet ? same in a tent IMHO ground seep door drip in etc... great tents never had issues myself proper hammocks the same way ?
cheap tents leak monsters non proper hammock setups might be the same way

#3 small gear hammock below your main or above for most things or hang your bag if packing at end of hammock

I would say its more the gear you did not have if you were not comfy ?

RTT same thing our conquer we had was awesome never a issue but can say the same things about my tents and hammocks proper gear works as it should
one is not better than the other if everything is done proper its more just a choice of what one likes and learning best methods of setting them up

I just got back from a weekend in Big Sur. We camped on Prewitt Ridge and it rained almost constantly. My observations of hammock camping in the rain are as follows.
1: If it's raining when you set up it's almost impossible to have a dry hammock.
2: Though I never had a leak I woke up often and checked for dampness.
3. Getting up in the morning when it's wet or raining is NO FUN. Think about where you stored your clothes, boots, etc.
I was with a friend who had a RTT and he was super comfy and had two solid nights of sleep. Me, not so much.
I love the hammock and will keep it for fair weather camping. But when it's wet, cold, windy, frosty, I'll stick with a ground tent or eventually a RTT.


lost on the mainland
quick image from this site
some good info there to chew threw
I do see quite a few sleeping straight end to end which is not the way to lie in a hammock :)

also check out



Adventurer and Explorer
I set my junk up this weekend and stayed in it for 3 hours. I also left it out over night in the strong rain and wind and it did great.

I figured I'd try it out since I don't seem to get rained on when I go out. It did well, surprisingly well. I also experimented with my set up and yes, a sleeping pad is a great insulator and it's SUPER COMFORTABLE in a hammock. I was thinking of rigging up a system to hang my gear or carry a large trash bag if I want to store stuff in a clean and dry spot.


Did a week on the pct in a Hennessy hammock , made a sol blanket to hang under it and never had a cold night even up on my hood in a very damp misty night . The little extra weight is very worth the comfort . I did get a little chilled in the middle of the night one time but it was 20 deg overnight . But I am considering switching to a therma rest ultra light cot and a simple ground tarp .

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I agree, the better the equipment, the better the results....but withthat comes inherited costs....me?, i would pay the money and have it for life....what is that tarp manufacturer name Ruffnready?


I just picked up a used Hennessey hammock expedition asym for $50. The hammock itself is in good shape just needs a good thorough cleaning as well as the rain fly/tarp.. has couple very small holes on one of the edges of the fly from embers maybe.. just the hammock,fly and carry bag was included. Has the ropes attached to the ends and some small rope on the fly. Hopefully i got a good deal.

I dont even know where to begin with this thing. From what i have read im going to use warm water and mild laundry detergent and soak and handwash everything and then air dry. I have a poncho liner i can use as the under quilt or i have a thermarest 2" sleeping pad which is air and foam/insulation. From that point on i have no idea how to tie and strap it up lol


lost on the mainland
head over to https://www.hammockforums.net
good tips on poncho liners and what folks have gotten them down to temp wise etc...
also how to hang it etc..

also some good info here to start

I just picked up a used Hennessey hammock expedition asym for $50. The hammock itself is in good shape just needs a good thorough cleaning as well as the rain fly/tarp.. has couple very small holes on one of the edges of the fly from embers maybe.. just the hammock,fly and carry bag was included. Has the ropes attached to the ends and some small rope on the fly. Hopefully i got a good deal.

I dont even know where to begin with this thing. From what i have read im going to use warm water and mild laundry detergent and soak and handwash everything and then air dry. I have a poncho liner i can use as the under quilt or i have a thermarest 2" sleeping pad which is air and foam/insulation. From that point on i have no idea how to tie and strap it up lol


lost on the mainland
not really sure :)
I know the hammock forums has a really active sale section :)

good thing is was not to much to get into for ya
biggest thing is getting it hung proper there is a hennessy part in the forum also so good info there on more specific things with them
another huge thing is learning to lay in them at a angle not like a banana :)

I had Hennessy when I started and changed and changed again and again and now kinda narrowed down what I am liking :)

I went from integrated to separate bug net style setups
but like any gear its all personal :)

Awesome! Thank you for the links.. how much these go for used? Think i got a good deal at $50?


I agree with this......I love the hammock and will keep it for fair weather camping. But when it's wet, cold, windy, frosty, I'll stick with a ground tent .....

You can overcome all the above in a hammock set up but it will cost you.

first a hammock....... https://www.google.com/webhp?source...spv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=hammock+backpacking&tbm=shop

Then a tarp....... https://www.google.com/webhp?source...&ie=UTF-8#tbm=shop&q=hammock+tarp+backpacking

Then an under quilt to keep your but warm... https://www.google.com/webhp?source...espv=2&ie=UTF-8#tbm=shop&q=hammock+underquilt

Then a top quilt ...... https://www.google.com/webhp?source...&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#tbm=shop&q=hammock+top+quilt

Then the misc riggin etc... http://www.dutchwaregear.com/

I went down this rabbit hole and decided that it was not for me.The last straw was a 5 mile bushwack,with two 4,000 foot elevation gains just to be chased out by the mosquitoes.I had a net for the hammock,but all ya can do in there is sleep.Can not cook, dress etc.My tree straps at nine feet long could not go half way around the trees and the whole system weighs more than my tent, pad and sleeping bag.My tent goes up in three minutes top.My hamock systeman easy hour plus.You can get it up in less but not tweek it.

All that said,when the hammock is hnging happily, it is way more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.If fiddling with gear is your thing then a hammock may be for you.The comunity over at the hammock forum is one of the best on the interwebs.And if you have to meet this guy,,,,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7NZVqpBUV0
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lost on the mainland
just a fun other side to the above :)
so please read with a smile :)

will the setup cost you ?
and no more than ground gear
no more than what one wants to pay
home made is very common and can be quite reasonable and its near impossible to make high quality tents at home :)

how much is a good true water proof tent !
how much is a good INSULATED sleeping pad !
how much is a good bag !

many even use a normal bag and pad

all the stuff you are linking to IMHO is not good stuff except dutch :) and I have a few pieces of his stuff
some very good cottage vendors on the hammock forums where you can get superior stuff :)
the links above would be like using only walmart to supply your expedition vehicle :)

as you said it is more comfy and that alone is worth it to me :)

but having spent over 3 years of my life out of a two man tent I will never go back to them :) including one 6 month long stint out of a two man tent :)

you do need trees though (there are hammock stands even ultra light portable ones)
but the same can be said some places you cant find a suitable tent pad either hills or rough ground etc..

in wet weather NOTHING has to touch the wet muddy ground in a hammock :) no trenching etc..

you cant cook in a hammock ? not IN but under the HUGE tarps by tent standards the actually the size of tarps allows much much larger dry area than tents and again everything is off the ground !
if bugs get to you which they can well you have to get out and walk and do things at some point do the same thing for that moment so that is more how you dress and stuff issue
again trade off IMHO leans toward the hammock to me
and you have a comfy seat at the same time :)

to short tree straps was a logistic planning error :) not the hammocks fault :)

the whole tents are quicker has been debunked many times both take about the same amount of setup time its just knowing your gear

again they are not for everyone and the issue is often lack of knowing gear or proper gear etc.

how many folks tried camping and did not know the gear or did not have proper gear etc.. same thing hammocks take a bit to learn setup properly but once you have this knowledge its just as easy
for me its even easier to do :)
and again I don't have to every pack away a muddy or dirty tent and when I did extended say 30 day trips that became a issue we were bicycle camping :) I wish the hammock gear we have today was available then
setting up a tent in pouring rain is no fun either and long periods of rain being in a tent is stuffy and miserable to me I cant stand up etc..
in a hammock I can pitch my tarp super fast and then be dry and setup all my other gear in the dry and stand up etc... also I can look around and see much better why I came out to the wilderness

bottome line to me is get outdoors do what you love


just a fun other side to the above :)
so please read with a smile :)

will the setup cost you ?
and no more than ground gear
no more than what one wants to pay
home made is very common and can be quite reasonable and its near impossible to make high quality tents at home :)

how much is a good true water proof tent !
how much is a good INSULATED sleeping pad !
how much is a good bag !

many even use a normal bag and pad

all the stuff you are linking to IMHO is not good stuff except dutch :) and I have a few pieces of his stuff
some very good cottage vendors on the hammock forums where you can get superior stuff :)
the links above would be like using only walmart to supply your expedition vehicle :)

as you said it is more comfy and that alone is worth it to me :)

but having spent over 3 years of my life out of a two man tent I will never go back to them :) including one 6 month long stint out of a two man tent :)

you do need trees though (there are hammock stands even ultra light portable ones)
but the same can be said some places you cant find a suitable tent pad either hills or rough ground etc..

in wet weather NOTHING has to touch the wet muddy ground in a hammock :) no trenching etc..

you cant cook in a hammock ? not IN but under the HUGE tarps by tent standards the actually the size of tarps allows much much larger dry area than tents and again everything is off the ground !
if bugs get to you which they can well you have to get out and walk and do things at some point do the same thing for that moment so that is more how you dress and stuff issue
again trade off IMHO leans toward the hammock to me
and you have a comfy seat at the same time :)

to short tree straps was a logistic planning error :) not the hammocks fault :)

the whole tents are quicker has been debunked many times both take about the same amount of setup time its just knowing your gear

again they are not for everyone and the issue is often lack of knowing gear or proper gear etc.

how many folks tried camping and did not know the gear or did not have proper gear etc.. same thing hammocks take a bit to learn setup properly but once you have this knowledge its just as easy
for me its even easier to do :)
and again I don't have to every pack away a muddy or dirty tent and when I did extended say 30 day trips that became a issue we were bicycle camping :) I wish the hammock gear we have today was available then
setting up a tent in pouring rain is no fun either and long periods of rain being in a tent is stuffy and miserable to me I cant stand up etc..
in a hammock I can pitch my tarp super fast and then be dry and setup all my other gear in the dry and stand up etc... also I can look around and see much better why I came out to the wilderness

bottome line to me is get outdoors do what you love

I think i would agree with this, just a different means to an end. I'm more fond of the Hennessy than the others, but will buy the bigger Safari next time, I really do dig that bottom entry.

Having said that, there are times I prefer a tent. But, regardless, get out and have some fun.

By the way, got a link to any ultra light hammock stands?


lost on the mainland
this is the ultra light stand

seen a few others on the forum using the same idea but home made but the setups would never be hiking weight :) but OK for car camping

I am trying to create my own setup I love the one here I saw off the bumpers but want one self standing
might use some large tent connectors wont be small or light but will hang 4 of us easily

one thing some do is use a hiking pole and the hammock becomes a bivy not hanging ;) in a pinch which is a great idea if one has to sleep on the ground


this is the ultra light stand

seen a few others on the forum using the same idea but home made but the setups would never be hiking weight :) but OK for car camping

I am trying to create my own setup I love the one here I saw off the bumpers but want one self standing
might use some large tent connectors wont be small or light but will hang 4 of us easily

one thing some do is use a hiking pole and the hammock becomes a bivy not hanging ;) in a pinch which is a great idea if one has to sleep on the ground


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