Help Me Buy This Rover!

aka rover

The other caveat to the LW is short leg room. I have no first hand knowledge but second hand information states that the trucks foot well was shorter than the Series and the dash panel lower and closer ... and if you are anything over five eight, you'll be folded up like a pretzel driving it.
I have a friend that had one in parts working on a restoration, and I remember when he got it ... thinking ... it had probably at some point been dropped from a plane with a chute. Not many trucks can say that.


I drove the LW that the OP is looking at and I dont think it has any less leg room than a standard 88" wheelbase. In fact I think they are just narrower track as the standard series hardtop bolts right on.
$3,200 for a bucket of bolts with a LR emblem?? No thanks.

For that amount you can get a D1 or D2, or a Jeep wrangler.

Dont buy it, it screams money pit.

HAHA and the above mentioned are not money pits? just newer money pits in my book, No thanks.


New member
HAHA and the above mentioned are not money pits? just newer money pits in my book, No thanks.

You right, but it is a newer and a much nicer money pit with leather, AC, roof, etc.

I used to have a 1980 MGB, spent nearly $16k with in 5 years trying to restore it and the car was still not finished, so i sold it dirt cheap just to get out of my sight and out of my life.


Busy Fly Fishing
$3,200 for a bucket of bolts with a LR emblem?? No thanks.

For that amount you can get a D1 or D2, or a Jeep wrangler.

Dont buy it, it screams money pit.

ha! Heep Wrangler!!! no thanks, it'll never be a land rover!


This one would be a better option:
View attachment 127217

Already diesel, half-cab hard top (and new soft top), more efficient heater, full synchro transmission...

If I had the money right now and wasn't already into a project, I'd seriously consider it.

Thanks Mike! This one has a lot of potential. I'm just not going to have the time to do much with it for a while. Feel free to call me if you have any questions about it, as I'm the one selling it.

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
You're welcome.
Back when I was looking, there weren't that many around Anchorage for sale, and the ones that were out there were a little rich for my blood. A lot of guys were holding onto them, even if they weren't driving them, and the Rover community wasn't as connected. Now, partially due to the economy, that seems to be changing for the better and Series Rovers are popping up with more frequency. Hopefully we can get the rumored Rover club rolling (and maybe even my own Roverpile), and that trend will continue. I'd love to see convoys of Series rigs rolling down the Glenn at 50MPH, alternating between angering and inspiring the populace.


X2 for getting the all too talked about Rover club going! Getting a run together and maybe a wheeling trip together would be great! Time for me to get some time in on my project Series!!!

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
Hopefully mine will be rolling-ish around springtime. I miss hitting the trails up in the Valley and beyond, and a weekend camping trip or two would make the wife and kids very happy.

I kinda bailed on the SouthCentral 4x4 scene years ago, mainly because of the never-ending arms race to build the biggest and baddest. I just wanted to putt down the trail, get stuck, spend a bunch of time getting unstuck, and go home happy. Then fuel prices went up, and I found other things to do with my time. A Rover club would provide a much-needed contrast, and nobody would think to whine for the Series Rover to hurry up. It would be understood that wherever it ended up, that was the destination all along.

Then again, it wouldn't be long before all of the Jeep, Toyota, and buggy guys would want to run with us, because we'd be having all of the fun. Must keep the riff-raff out.


DANGER! LOOK FOR RUST ON THE FRAME AND BULKHEAD. The bulkheads are NLA (no longer available) and the frames are expensive. Otherwise they are great. I am on my 4th series and I love having one in the garage...

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
Well, to be accurate no Series bulkheads are available from Land Rover anymore, but that doesn't mean they're not available. You can always repair a bulkhead or send it to a place like Pangolin for repair. It really comes down to how much time/money you want to spend.

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
True, those guys are certainly an option, but that's going to be close to $4000 for a bulkhead by the time it's shipped to the US (allowing for options and coatings). I'm not questioning their pricing structure, because I know they're manufacturing from scratch, but a repaired and galvanized bulkhead would cost about half of that, and would still be too expensive for your average Series owner. When you're spending $500-$6000 on a Series rig, those few extra thousand can kinda hurt- especially knowing that you'll likely never recover the investment. Then again, there are nuts like me who spend way too much money on their projects...


Just here...
I used to have a 1980 MGB, spent nearly $16k with in 5 years trying to restore it and the car was still not finished, so i sold it dirt cheap just to get out of my sight and out of my life.

Quitter (coming from an owner of a 79, 72 and 58)...... How did you spend $16k?

OP, buy what you want. If you were worried about money pits, youd never own a car older than 3 years because it would be out of warranty.

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