How does one camp with a pooch and a RTT?


Expedition Leader
Ok so after 3 days not even a single picture to prove my dog will sleep in a RTT. She has not mastered the climbing aspect required for a solo entry. Though rst assured I just carry her up and down. It was easy I 1 hand her going up and she puts her 2 paws over my shoulder coming down.



Expedition Leader
he does not climb has to carry him....and after a few cuba libres
its quite a task.....

depending on the ground..mine jumps or get carried......

he's quite used to it now and knows what way round to stand....paws on my shoulders...


Diesel is around 65lbs....


Have you thought about fabbing up some flat steps that could be folded/unfolded and attached to your ladder rungs and rails? I'm envisioning a somewhat fuzzy image of planks, chain, and one-way hinges. My mental pictures come in incomplete spurts due to my ability to confuse myself through over-engineering and lack of experience. I'm sure some of the more experienced minds could clear it up a little better. :)

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
I travel with dog crates in the back of the cruiser, the dogs travel and sleep in there. That's enough togetherness for me.


Disabled Adventurer
My wife and I are having the same issues! "Jackson" our border collie loves getting into the tent and has no issues all night, but come morning he's a tiger to get down. The last couple of weeks it has taken us 15-30 minutes or so just to get him down. Because of this when we head to the Yucatan in a few weeks, he's going to stay on a sheep ranch learning to heard in southern AZ. If anybody comes up with something really good I'd love to know......


Expedition Leader
Well get her used to being carried. I know I know, but listen. Pick her up and say good girl and give her a cookie or treat. Then put her down, and follow with good girl or whatever the pup's name is. The a cookie again pick her up put her down and again and again. Just positively reinforce it and she will get used to being picked up and put down and so on. I don't know that steps would work so well seeing as how my ladder is almost vertical, as with most tents I would imagine. Now if it was bumper mounted that idea might work wonders for K-9 and Human alike.



Our dog is similar. She goes up no problem, but in the morning when she's ready to outside... watchout. She goes out quickly, well let me re-phrase that, I have to take her out. When she comes out, she is being held. Although she can almost climb the Eezi Awn ladder on her own, we just spot her to make sure she doesn't fall.

And to re-iterate what xcmountain said, if you were able to flip the Technitop around so it opened over the hood/bull bar. That might make things easier. I know it has to be difficult to decide to leave a family member at home.

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