How to Keep Kids Occupied when traveling/ Camping?


2008 Expedition Trophy Champion
We recently re-discovered Mad-Libs. They make them now in "age appropriate" versions, so if you've got a kid just learning to read/write, they work well for a bit (and get the whole car involved).

Barenaked Ladies have a kids CD out. My 3 yr old digs it!


Expedition Leader
nwoods said:
Close. yes, it's Joshua Tree, but Sqaw Tank at the junction of Berdoo Canyon and the Geology Trail (road). My kids LOVE to climb rocks.

I haven't been to Indian Cove for a long time but there are some caves in the hills near the campground that your kids would love. I know because I loved them when I was a boyscout;)

nwoods said:
Calamaridog...are you a navy sailor? Sailors are referred to as Squids by the Marines, and everyone knows a salty dog or old sea dog or two...

Sorry no, they just named the dog Calamari.


The BN Guy

Expedition Leader
We use a combination of things. Understand that G-baby is only three.

Leap Pad - variety of cartidges
DVD player
new coloring books that use water instead of crayons or pencils
Coloring books that do use crayons
"Hey G, look at that!" "What daddy?" (this can go on for hours; "I spy" for toddlers)
Singing songs

In all honesty, keeping G occupied isn't the problem. It's keeping mommy awake to help daddy stay awake and aware of the road.


We always do nature scavenger hunts, small hiking trips and survival lessons. then by mid afternoon the kids are worn out, so they sit down around the campfire and play some video games on their nintendo ds's or PSP's or just read some books. then dinner time comes and they learn how to make various foods using a campfire. then smores

matt s

Cut them loose. I choose my sites carefully and then I let them go. 3,5, and 12 years old (infant too, but she stays in camp with me or momma). They run, dig, jump, splash, catch bugs, pee in bushes... you name it.

They LOVE it. They are of course watched pretty closely, but rarely do we interfere with their exploration. There is something magical about watching them play and learn.

EDIT: I almost forgot. Fire and stick to poke it with. My younger boy will be entertained for hours slowly burning up his "poker" stick. Cutting him new ones every 30 minutes does get old.

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