How to make a cheap isolated dual-battery setup for $50


Not to derail the overall discussion here. My friend and I are trying to diagnose/trouble shoot an electrical problem. The vehicle has a dual battery system (2 x 12v in parrallel). We did a little research and it is discussed that this system can run a 24v winch. We think this may have been the case on his new to him truck. Does anyone have a diagram of what this would look like. Im a visual person when it comes to electrical. Thanks in advance.


Photographer, traveller
You probably should start a new thread for this, but in a nutshell two 12v batteries in parallel cannot drive a 24v winch unless you re wire them to be in series, but then you couldn't start the vehicle and so couldn't charge the batteries as you are winching.


New member
sorry if this has been covered, but I'd rather not read 31 pages of this thread. I just ordered all my parts off amazon prime. Total came to $64.42 :) Anyway, i ordered the "cheap" solenoid off amazon. In the diagram, he uses the "good" solenoid. My question is, the cheap solenoid has two terminals on top and the good solenoid (used in the diagram) only has one. Should I run a 12gauge wire from each of the two top terminals on mine and splice them together prior to plugging it in to the fuse box? or do i only need to run it from one? thanks.


New member
sorry if this has been covered, but I'd rather not read 31 pages of this thread. I just ordered all my parts off amazon prime. Total came to $64.42 :) Anyway, i ordered the "cheap" solenoid off amazon. In the diagram, he uses the "good" solenoid. My question is, the cheap solenoid has two terminals on top and the good solenoid (used in the diagram) only has one. Should I run a 12gauge wire from each of the two top terminals on mine and splice them together prior to plugging it in to the fuse box? or do i only need to run it from one? thanks.

bump on this question. I'm getting ready to wire everything up before my trip to moab on friday and need t know what to do with these terminal posts. could i just use one to run a hot wire to? do they both need power? is one to be grounded?
thanks all


New member
Ok, another question. Do the batteries have to be grounded together via the 4 gauge cable that runs from neg to neg? Or could each battery be grounded in its own spot? (Can I ground my aux battery to the frame instead of buying more 4 gauge cable to run all the way back to the starting battery from the back of my truck?)


American Adventurist
technically you could ground to the frame on both spots, but it is not as reliable as running straight through. Personally, I took each battery to the frame, and ran a cable between them neg to neg. It is amazing how often the wiring problems in a vehicle are due to poor grounding.


New member
Awesome, thank you for the quick reply. I think I'll get a good clean spot on the frame and ground my aux battery there for now. I have a ton of 12 gauge wiring, maybe ill run a couple stands of that between the two as an added measure.


If you're going to rely upon only a frame ground, make sure you take a wire wheel on a drill to the area you are going to bolt the ground, and clean it down to bare steal. Many frames already have a lot of holes you can take advantage of, so no need to make a new hole, but DO make sure you clean the frame coating off.

I would not run a ground wire smaller than my positive wire between two batteries. If you've run 4 gauge wire for positive, and want to run a ground between, then that ground should be 4 gauge as well, nothing smaller... ever. Your ground from the aux battery should be 4 gauge or larger. With this solid ground point, it is unnecessary to run other ground wires in between.

Some people think it is necessary to run your ground from the rear battery to the front battery and avoid the frame ground. This is to avoid ground loop issues. I tend to think this way, but I have installed them both ways.


Voltage out of controller

Just installed a 100 watt panel out of a kit sold by Solar Blvd. When I check voltage at panel pre controller I get 22-23 when I check it out of controller (Phocos) I get 14.8 or 15 should I be concerned about that figure . Just as a precaution nothing is wired out of the controller just checking voltage at contacts, display jives with multimeter figure. Don't want to create an issue. Have no plans at this time to connect Aux battery ( not yet installed) to main one. Want to have it all working before DRV. Thanks


American Adventurist
Just installed a 100 watt panel out of a kit sold by Solar Blvd. When I check voltage at panel pre controller I get 22-23 when I check it out of controller (Phocos) I get 14.8 or 15 should I be concerned about that figure . Just as a precaution nothing is wired out of the controller just checking voltage at contacts, display jives with multimeter figure. Don't want to create an issue. Have no plans at this time to connect Aux battery ( not yet installed) to main one. Want to have it all working before DRV. Thanks

That sounds pretty good. See you at DRV



Thanks for the quick answer, hope to finalize the interior wiring tomorrow w/installation of Blue Sea 12 station aux fuze panel and then it's off to Sears to secure a second battery. BTW all this was installed on a '12 Jk 2 dr. with a Garvin Wilderness rack mounted panel crosswise on rear of panel w 8 screws, I intend to remove it and only install when going on a multi day adventure. It's bright orange ya can't miss me stop by and say Hi. Thanks again


American Adventurist
Thanks for the quick answer, hope to finalize the interior wiring tomorrow w/installation of Blue Sea 12 station aux fuze panel and then it's off to Sears to secure a second battery. BTW all this was installed on a '12 Jk 2 dr. with a Garvin Wilderness rack mounted panel crosswise on rear of panel w 8 screws, I intend to remove it and only install when going on a multi day adventure. It's bright orange ya can't miss me stop by and say Hi. Thanks again

I am the Black Power Wagon with a snorkel, normally the only Power Wagon. I will keep an eye out for you.

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