How to? RTT and a Kayak on an XJ?

beardus supremous

you got me on that idea... I'm not seeing it.
but I do appreciate the idea/thought.\
maybe a picture?

I had other thoughts on this subject. I saw stumpxj's rack that had a "basket" on the front, which could house the paddles and then the RTT behind, then the kayak on top. All it is, is a roof rack with no side rails, but rails front and back. However, if you are like me when you are at your destination you are going to take your kayak off anyways so no need to have the RTT open and the kayak on as well. I will try and find pics, very simple.


Expedition goofball
so I would need 8 gutter mounts & 4 cross bars. two very low for the rtt and two to clear it for the yak.
I can already feel the drop in mpg lol


Expedition Leader
I use a kayak and Overcamp RTT on a Jeep Wrangler LJ which is about the same size as a Cherokee. A longer kayak than mine would fit just as well.



You probably should use three or four crossbars for the RTT on a Cherokee. The problem here is that the kayak hull is probably not flat so you'd probably need to add something to the front and back crossbars on the kayak side so the boat just rests on them.

Expensive? yes. Worth it? I think so but if I had to pick the RTT or the fridge, I'd take the fridge any time. In fact the Jeep broke down on day one of a three week trip to Newfoundland last year (OPDA broke and killed engine) so we abandoned the Jeep and RTT, rented a pickup and strapped the fridge and cheapo storage into the back of the cab. And slept in a hike tent so small you can't both sit up at the same time and it was fine and we'd do it again in an instant. We also learned some good things about pickup trucks: tailgates and firewood storage!


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