How would you outfit this custom LJ?


roof top tent

Thanks for the ID on the African outback roof top tent. I like the full length design with the minimal height above the roofline. Have you thought about the possiblity of hinging the front of your top roof panel and using it in the same style? It seems like a very similar setup to this could be incorporated into your design. At your height it might be a bit short on an LJ but for us vertically challenged types it would be a great alternative to a rtt.


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the ID on the African outback roof top tent. I like the full length design with the minimal height above the roofline. Have you thought about the possiblity of hinging the front of your top roof panel and using it in the same style? It seems like a very similar setup to this could be incorporated into your design. At your height it might be a bit short on an LJ but for us vertically challenged types it would be a great alternative to a rtt.

Yes, it's been suggested a few times. I did a quick and dirty (and bad) concept drawing of it some months ago:


Because of the extra roof height in the hardtop design, I believe the entire tent structure could fit above the roll bars, so it wouldn't be too much of an imposition on the headroom.

But I'm not the best person to design this feature, I don't have any experience with pop-up camper design. Maybe if a company with camper experience wanted to take my top and create a modified version with a camper pop-up it could get built...


Hi Charlie,
RTT's wouldn't be my sleeping accommodation of choice, but I looked into them when I was designing the Safari Cab because I wanted to make sure I designed a hardtop that could support the weight of a RTT. With the weight testing I did last week I proved that the design of the hardtop is up to the task of supporting a RTT, so my goal has been achieved.

I'm on to my next project now, the Safari Cab work is done. Feels good to have this challenging project successfully behind me :).


OK, since no one else seemed to notice, I'll be the one to ask. What is this next project you oh so casually mentioned here? Is it a hover-conversion for the FSJ's, or a rotary-wing flight pack for a TJ? Just kidding, your projects are amazing, so not much would surprise me at this point!


Expedition Leader
OK, since no one else seemed to notice, I'll be the one to ask. What is this next project you oh so casually mentioned here? Is it a hover-conversion for the FSJ's, or a rotary-wing flight pack for a TJ? Just kidding, your projects are amazing, so not much would surprise me at this point!


I'm beginning the construction of the Jeep-tub trailer that would be the platform for this camper, which is based on the same Safari Cab hardtop molds:


I've changed the design a bit in detail from the early drawing above, but the overall concept is the same.

Phase 1 of the project is to build the basic trailer as a cargo trailer; phase 2 would be the camper top and interior.

For use as a cargo trailer, I've started by making a custom tailgate - it's got a retro CJ Jeep logo on it, and it folds down like a CJ tailgate, but it's got a Wrangler paddle-handle on it, and two Wrangler latches, one on each side.

Here's the view of the tailgate work in progress:


Both latches are controlled by the one paddle handle, so I like to think it's just like the factory might have done it had they decided to build a drop-down logo tailgate for a Wrangler.

This won't be a typical "Jeep tub trailer" build either, the entire inner fenders are coming out to provide for much more interior space so it will make a much better cargo trailer and camper.

No hover-conversion in this project, sorry :).


just a guy
would you care to share any additional info/pics on the double latch/single paddle configuration? I've wanted to do this - just never started the analysis yet.


Expedition Leader
would you care to share any additional info/pics on the double latch/single paddle configuration? I've wanted to do this - just never started the analysis yet.


Here's a view of the inside of the tailgate, taken from the point of view of the rear of the Jeep (the outer skin is removed). You can see the link rod that runs across the tailgate, and the two bellcranks that change the direction of the motion. The inset photo shows a better view of a bellcrank. The bellcranks came from the door mechanism of a Subaru.


Next are close-up views of the mechanisms through the access holes (viewed from the inside of the Jeep). On the passenger side you can see how a short pushrod attached to the bellcrank actuates the latch. On the driver's side you can see the extra pushrod I added to move the bellcrank on that side. There are two brass-colored screws visible near the bellcranks, these secure the bellcranks to the tailgate, and allow the entire mechanism to be removed and serviced through the access holes like I'm sure the factory would have done.


And finally, internal close-up views of the mechanism (viewed from the outside of the Jeep, the tailgate skin is removed).


The mechanism works very smoothly. Pulling up on the outside paddle handle releases both latches just as you'd expect.


Expedition Leader
Here's some "spy photos" of the engineering prototype Safari Cab being built by the company that's planning to bring the top to market. Can't reveal their identity, they've even asked me to hide the wheels on their test Jeep. Forum rules won't let me say much more about the company or the commercialization of the top here in public anyway, so I'll just leave you with these photos...



Disclaimer: I am not, have never been, and have no plans to ever been an employee of the company that's working on bringing these tops to market. I built the Safari Cab in my home garage as a personal project for my own Jeep, not as a commercial product. This is not a commercial post.


Expedition Leader
I think your molds are better. :)
Theirs are definitely better, I've seen them... and don't mind all the dust an scratches on their parts, the black tinted resin shows everything, and they've been handling the parts a bit roughly during all the prototype work. Everything will clean up very nicely I'm sure.


I know the company from the hood of that Jeep. I hope that doesnt get you in trouble. I love all this work, if you can make one for an XJ you can bet I would be the First (or at least first 1000) to get a safari cabbed XJ...Now I have some thoughts!


Expedition Leader
does the safari top fit a regular tj or does it need the extra space of an unlimited?

Yes, Safari Cabs can fit TJ's. The mold masters are designed in such a way that any length hardtop can be molded, including half-cabs, regular TJ's, YJ's and CJ's, Scramblers, and any custom length too. TJ:

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