Hurricane season! Monitor frequency for WX4NHC


Hello guys, I was reading a communication on the IARU website and I thought It would be worth retransmitting. Basically it asks HAM Radio operators to monitor the Hurricane Center's frequencies during hurricanes. Here is the note released on the IARU Region 2 website:

Hello Fellow Ham Radio Operators,

In cooperation with the *National Hurricane Center* in Miami, Florida, and * WX4NHC*, we are asking for your assistance in the *2010 Hurricane Season*.

The most important role amateur radio plays in hurricanes is to gather and relay information to the *National Hurricane Center* through *WX4NHC*.

While there are mechanisms to do this, we are always looking for more assistance in this vital job. You could be the only station in the impacted area and your Eye Witness Reports or measured data, if you have a weather station, could be critical to the forecasters. You could be the only station hearing some other ham calling with a report or needing assistance in a dangerous situation they are in. Also, you could play the important role in translating a Ham’s report into a language that we understand. So as you can see, everyone has a part they can play.

*WX4NHC* on 14.325 MHz is a frequency that you should always monitor during a hurricane. More information can be found at

This frequency is maintained for hurricanes by the Hurricane Watch Net

*The VoIP Hurricane Net* utilizes *Echolink* and *IRLP* to link stations together over the internet. When HF propagation is not good, sometimes this is the only way information reaches *WX4NHC*. EchoLink Conference Room is WX-Talk (Node 7203) and IRLP Node is 9219.

More information can be found at

We ask you for your support and assistance anytime the *Hurricane Watch Net*, *VoIP Hurricane Net*, and *WX4NHC* are active. The part you may play may save someone’s life!


Dennis Dura, K2DCD Assistant Director, Operations. VoIP Hurricane Net

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