I think I forgot to pack the Sippy cup!!!


Expedition Leader
So my wife and I are expecting our first child and we are very excited to say the least, I know several of you camp with little ones and I wanted to start a thread where you could show off some of the parental outdoor gear that you are using since the little once are a huge part of what we all love to do.

Some ideas would be but aren't limited to:
  • Back packs that allow you to carry your child and some gear.
  • Sleeping bags
  • Any other camp gear that has made it easier for you.
  • Ideas on how to occupy the travel time.
  • Advice would be appreciated also.
Pictures or links would be great.




island Explorer
we have this cup you can put food into (like animal crackers and cherios) it has a top lid with slices into the center so he can get his hand in but the food will not fall out. best $4 we ever spent! We have also used our Kelty kids backpack alot although now that he's 37 lbs its a little much!!! :D


Expedition Leader
Wow, great idea!

I will have to look that one up!

At the time did the Kelty offer good back support?


The Kelty backpacks are nice. We spent a day hitting the thrift stores around Denver when our youngest was a newb and were able to find several for under $20 in near new condition. We just chose the one that was the newest style and went with it. Can't beat them.

We have found that bags designed for cameras tend to make a better diaper bag than diaper bags.

oh yeah, congrats


I first took my son camping (in a tent!) when he was 3 months old. My packing list was based on an observation of what he REALLY used on a daily basis, and replicating the comforts of home as closely as possible. So, the same stuffed animals, blankets, PJs, etc. as much as possible.

For a crib I used a Pack 'n Play with an attachment to make a bassinet and another to make a changing table. This killed 3 birds: clean level changing table (very important), a bed, and a play for him to roll around and not get dirty. We used the bassinet portion only in the tent at night, right next to mommy. During the day, it was outside under an awning and I found a neat bug netting (I think at Babies 'R Us) specifically designed to fit over Pack 'n Plays that was ingenious.

It wasn't too cold out (May in Colorado at ~9,000 feet) but kiddo slept in his heavy terrycloth winter PJs, with extra blankets under him and on top of his regular blanket (make sure not to smother) to keep him warm. Also pre-heated enough bottles of formula/milk to last the night (heated bottles by putting them, already filled, in hot water on the camp stove) and kept them in one of those insulated soft lunch carriers that managed to keep everything at least lukewarm.

Mostly, the goal was to keep him warm (or cool as appropriate), fed, and clean. He pretty much entertained himself watching his new surroundings.

Hopefully I didn't ramble too much. Logistically it took some thought but it wasn't anything not obvious to a new parent liek me, and it was actually pretty fun. The only ones that had a hard time were the dogs, who had lost their prime sleeping real estate!:tent:


ExPo Original
Louis, congratulations. :clapsmile

You're going to be a great Dad. Sleep now friend, because you won't for the first two years. But then it's all gravy.

Mmmmm..... gravy... :chowtime:


I found a net that went over the whole ez-up, made a nice bug free room. I also had a hand crank blender that help cutting down on carrying baby food. I also made an off road wagon that we took sometimes to pull her in. We also planed trips around her likes to. She was taught to swim before her diapers came off, so we went to a lot of lakes, river and beaches. She is in college now studying oceanography and playing h2opolo. How knows you may have the next “Indy”.


Expedition Leader
Mine just completed her first camping trip, just 5 months old.

we used this both in Venezuela last month, and this weekend camping...\
for bug free sleeping during the day or night

then when baby went to sleep the dog moved in to get away from the ants........

excellent product....once you get the nack of folding it up..



Pack N Play - worth its weight in gold as has been mentioned.

Kelty kid back-pack - also great, both of my kids hated the Baby Bjorn thing, loved the back pack.

A great big cabin tent from Taget will cost about $100 and last about 2 summers, will give you the room for all the stuff you think you need when starting out. By the time it wears out you'll have the mound of stuff reduced and can decide if you need another big one, smaller ones, etc...

Beyond that, avoid the temptation to over schedule. Logging 1,000 mile days with kids in the car seats can be done, but its rough on everybody.


Expedition Leader
oldcj5guy said:
The Kelty backpacks are nice. We spent a day hitting the thrift stores around Denver when our youngest was a newb and were able to find several for under $20 in near new condition. We just chose the one that was the newest style and went with it. Can't beat them.

We have found that bags designed for cameras tend to make a better diaper bag than diaper bags.

oh yeah, congrats


This will be nice to refer to when the time comes!


Expedition Leader
kcowyo said:
Louis, congratulations. :clapsmile

You're going to be a great Dad. Sleep now friend, because you won't for the first two years. But then it's all gravy.

Mmmmm..... gravy... :chowtime:

This is going to be a great thread, there is already so much good info that I know people will be able to use!

Thanks KC!!

We plan on taking lots of trips, Oregon last weekend, San Diego this weekend and Colorado week after next!

Life is good!


Congrats Louis! It's a blast to have the kids along. They remind you of how cool the smallest things really are. I can sit by a creek for hours with my daughter and just look at rocks or rearrange them to alter the current of the water.
Zoe is at a stage now where she likes to help with camp in any way she can. Thats fun.

We limit her on the toys she can bring. We tell her we will be gone for X amount of days and she can bring 3 stuffed toys. Then she gets to pick which ones. Then she also gets to bring her soccer ball and coloring books and crayons and/or markers. We also tell her what kind of clothes to pack, then we check it to make sure it's appropriate for the weather. We also bring one good story book for bedtime.


Buy the best sunscreen you can find for kids and with the highest SPF. They're a clean slate and starting off with brilliant skin. Keep them covered!



No matter how much you pack, they will ask for the one thing you DO NOT have. By the way congratulations, this is by far the best thing that you have ever been a part of. It's one of the few thing that the more you put into it, the more you get back.


Expedition Leader
WOW, you guys are great, thanks for the congrats!

Keep it coming!

I would like to know of some of the gear that has made this easier on you guys!


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