i wanna buy a disco 2 but................


how do u make a disco reliable? I know they are prone to overheating ie cylinder heads, door lock actuators and seats stop working,
I am a mechanic by trade but I aint making money working on my own stuff, should I still consider a disco or move on.
thanks for any advice


Well... You could listen to what everyone else says, or just go for it. I guess the main question is what are you using it far? Daily driving, off roading, looking at it in your driveway? Lol I've been through 2 disco 1's and one disco 2 and I had no major problems at all bud. Have you ever owned a rover?


Don't be afraid to spend money on it. If you're not interested in wrenching on your own stuff, pass.


not afraid to wrench on my own stuff just need to make money. it will be used as a daily with light off roading. never owned a rover been mainly a gm guy


Busy Fly Fishing
There's nothing "wrong" with Toyotas, there's a reason you see one every time you open your eyes. But they're all super bland and boring, except the older models. Nothing edgy, just reliable.

Rovers are going to be pretty finicky and want attention all the time. They are reasonably unreliable and love service! I have a D2 and love it, you don't want to know how much I've put into it.
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i have a rover addiction and i never even owned one...
but i would personally want both a toyota and a land rover...
rover for the local trips, toyota for the long ones.


I just bought my toyota from a rover dealer :smiley_drive: I'm also the parts manager for said rover dealer lol

I do love rovers, don't get me wrong.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
My $500 Range Rover has 186,000 miles on it. I just switched to coils from air suspension because of a short, but other than that it has been very reliable. Not once have I ever been unable to get home.

My '95 Disco (bought new) died to save my life at 185k miles. In all that time, we were careful to follow service intervals. In return, that truck NEVER needed a single item outside of the maintenance schedule.

I think the key to a reliable rover is respectful owner. If you treat it well, it will return the favor.


Expo God
How do you make a rover reliable? Same way as any old neglected vehicle. Maintain it. You'll probably have a lot to make up for at first though. Beyond that, learn the known fixes to common issues specific to the vehicle.

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