Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route July 2018

Ovrlnd Rd

The "In Progress" part of the adventure doesn't start until tomorrow morning but wanted to get the thread started and moved over from the planning thread. While it doesn't kick off until tomorrow at 0600 the truck is loaded, fueled, and ready to roll.


Ovrlnd Rd

After 8 months of planning it’s finally time. One quick potty break and then I’m on the road!
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Ovrlnd Rd

Bombing across W TX at 80mph listening to Kenny Chesney’s No Shoes Radio until they start playing too much Bob Marley then I switch to Margaritaville Radio until they start playing too much Bob Marley....


Ovrlnd Rd

Not sure what that last post was about but looks like SPAM (and it’s since been deleted so was SPAM).

While this cloud isn’t as bad as the one from Independence Day there’s still a storm coming to Roswell, NM (see how I kept the alien theme going?).

Switched to the Beatles channel (no Bob Marley at all).

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Ovrlnd Rd

Made it to the 1st overnight, just east of Albuquerque. Switched to E Street Radio for a while since we’ll be on the Back(streets) roads but hopefully won’t run into any Fire unless we’re sitting round it talking about those Glory Days. I got a million of ‘em folks. I’ll be here all week and don’t forget to tip your waitress.


Ovrlnd Rd

Made it just south of SLC. A total of 1296 miles over the last 2 days. Switched to the CD player and listening to the High Kings. Rocky Road to Dublin gets me in the mood for off-roading.

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Expedition Leader
Yeah you finally made it out of Texas. Texas is big, I've driven across it before. I'm up near Coeur d'Alene if you need any mechanical help.


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First evening together in Jarbridge NV. Sitting around left to right: Mark, Chuck, Frenchie, Marie, and Duke

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Preparing to remove some dead falls.

Ovrlnd Rd

FrenchieXJ and I made it to the Canadian border yesterday morning. I’m not anywhere with good cell service so it will probably be next week before the write up is done. I’m still in N Idaho visiting family.

Here’s the end to keep you subscribed. That’s the Canadian Border Crossing in the background.



old soul wanderer
nice spot by one of the many lakes.


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Trinity mountain campsite and sheep pen.
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Hunting for ground squirrels
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I know you're in there
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on the road again!


50-Inch Wide Bridge: 43.809135, -115.536544, on the route. No longer 50" max
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NFS road #385 Banner Creek road closure.
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Ovrlnd Rd

As Frenchie said I made it home last night. Twenty days and 5495 miles later I can really appreciate my own bed and sleeping past 5 am.

No matter what Trail Seeker and FrenchieXJ say, I was not the leader of this group. While I may have suggested the trip and picked the dates both of them provided what I consider true leadership in the field with navigation and handling of the minor setbacks we encountered along the way. Trail Seeker was the pathfinder for most of the trip and without his GPS we would have been looking for the BDR roads for several weeks instead of days. When the GPS came into question Frenchie's map reading skills put us on the right path. Having said that, I would recommend that anyone considering this trip have both items at your disposal. The GPS kept us moving at a good pace but the Butler BDR map was invaluable for planning ahead and verifying the correct path. Either will get you there but both enabled us to do it in better time.

And now, as they say, for the rest of the story.

As has been told there were 5 people and 4 vehicles that left Jarbidge, NV on July 15, 2018. My trek across TX was uneventful other than run-ins with Bob Marley. I picked up FrenchieXJ in his Tacoma and Trail Seeker and Marie Laveau with their Jeep and trailer in Rio Rancho, NM. We then convoyed to driller's house in UT for an overnight and rolled through downtown Jarbidge the afternoon of July 14.

Jarbidge was definitely not what I was expecting. The stories I'd heard was that there was nothing there but a single gas pump and some places to park. It's actually a bustling little summer get away. Main street was lined with cabins and the main mode of transportation appeared to be side-by-sides. Trail Seeker, driller, and I parked in the center of town while FrenchieXJ scouted ahead looking for a suitable place to camp for the night.


We wound up next to a small creek on the south end of town that allowed us to experience the FULL length of the BDR when we headed out on Sunday morning.


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