Info on standard IRLP and IRLP Reflector use.


Holla folks, I live here in Albuquerque and have yet to connect to our local IRLP repeater (still pretty new ham). Your net on the western reflector sounds like a great excuse to try it out. When do you all gather? -James


I notice the last post on this thread is from 2010! Well time to wake it up! Lol. I'm a brand new ham and have a few questions if y'all don't mind. My only radio (at this time) is a Baofeng uv5s HT. Can I access irlp from it or do you need a special kind of radio? My understanding is that irlp is a linked repeater system. Is that the same as echo link, d-star, winsystem etc? What I was hoping to be able to do with ham radio is "call home" from the middle of nowhere when there's no cell service. Am I understanding the purpose of the linked repeater correctly? If my wife is home in Las Vegas (with her own ham ticket of course) on a radio tuned to an irlp repeater and I'm off in Utah tuned to an irlp repeater can we talk back and forth?


If you want to access IRLP over the air, you need to find an IRLP linked repeater, and then you need a matching radio to hit the repeater (i.e. If the IRLP repeater is 2m FM, you need a two meter FM radio.) then you need DTMF capabilities on your radio. DTMF is how you control the local repeater and connect it to some remote repeater.

If your goal is to build your own repeater, then you need a radio you can interface with your computer, the linux software they provide, a PC and an internet connection.



Other option is to program in the repeater frequencies for repeaters already linked, such as the Win System. Those repeaters are linked worldwide all the time. There are other repeater systems but that is one that has nearly 100 repeaters linked on their system.

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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
My only radio (at this time) is a Baofeng uv5s HT. Can I access irlp from it or do you need a special kind of radio? My understanding is that irlp is a linked repeater system. Is that the same as echo link, d-star, winsystem etc?
You are correct that IRLP is a linked repeater system (Internet Radio Linking Project). The repeaters are normal RF repeaters that have have a tap to selectively link them over the Internet. It's not a full time link, the user activates and deactivates the link. Each repeater is given a unique identifier number and you can link either two repeaters directly together or link a repeater to a reflector, which is like a hub. The reflector would be how you link 3 or more together.

What you need is a radio that capable of doing DTMF tones, which means it'll have to have a keypad. I believe the UV5S does. There is a procedure, you hit a code to allow access and then the number of the repeater or reflector to which you want to link your repeater. The code and exact sequence is something you'll have to get from the repeater owner (this is sometimes not a free service provided by the club or owner).

What this means is the repeater you're accessing needs to have the IRLP board installed and an Internet connection. There is almost always now at least one repeater in most towns, but the remote repeaters like you'd find in the backcountry it's not necessarily a guarantee. You need to search through the database of them and note which ones are IRLP capable in the area you're headed.

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