iOS Editor for GPX files



I seek a means of directly editing GPX files in the iOS (iPad & iPhone) environment. I need the ability to trim, simplify, and split tracks and I would like the additional abilities to alter and merge tracks as well as edit descriptions, etc. I'm aware that this can be done with at text editor working on the xml structure of a GPX file, but I need a direct editor. The old Track Editor by Garfa would be ideal, but seems out of date and unavailable.

Anyone know of such an application?

Howard L. Snell


If you haven't found an editor yet, and you have a Mac, try GPX Editor. I developed it, so let me know if you have any questions.

I have always used ADZE but will give your app a try!

EDIT: The custom map option is great. It would be nice to add more than one option.
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I have always used ADZE but will give your app a try!

EDIT: The custom map option is great. It would be nice to add more than one option.
Do you mean nice to have the ability to add more than one custom map? If so, that seems like a good idea. I'll look into it. If not, please explain. Thanks.


If you haven't found an editor yet, and you have a Mac, try GPX Editor. I developed it, so let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Kylekai:

Thanks for the suggestion, GPX Editor is fine on a Mac - thanks for developing something so useful. However, I'm interested in an editor for gpx files that will work on an iPad or iPhone. I'm trying to avoid taking a computer on some types of trips where space and weight are limited yet I want to do some processing of gpx files while out and about and the details are still foremost in my mind.

Is there any chance of a version of GPX Editor for the iPad?

Thanks again,



Hello Kylekai:

Thanks for the suggestion, GPX Editor is fine on a Mac - thanks for developing something so useful. However, I'm interested in an editor for gpx files that will work on an iPad or iPhone. I'm trying to avoid taking a computer on some types of trips where space and weight are limited yet I want to do some processing of gpx files while out and about and the details are still foremost in my mind.

Is there any chance of a version of GPX Editor for the iPad?

Thanks again,

Hi Howard,

I already have a GPX Viewer for iOS, and I'm slowly making a GPX Editor app out of it.

I'm curious, have you tried any other iOS GPX Editors? If so, any comments on them? I don't want to spend time on an app if there are already many similar apps available.



I'm curious, have you tried any other iOS GPX Editors? If so, any comments on them? I don't want to spend time on an app if there are already many similar apps available.

Hello Bill:

I've not found a gpx editor for iOS. The only one I found referenced, GPX Track Editor by, is no longer available (confirmed by email to their customer support). So I don't think there are many iOS gpx editors out there. But I'm not sure there is a big market for that functionality even though I'd buy it! Thanks for reminding me of your iOS GPX Viewer - I just purchased it.

The functions I'd find helpful in a iOS gpx editor would be:

1. Trim gpx track from either end.
2. Delete points within track and have track "rejoin" after their removal.
3. Cut a track into multiple tracks.
4. Join multiple tracks into a single track.
5. Accomplish #4 in order selected by user, independent of date or time stamps at ends of the tracks being joined.

More advanced (not absolutely necessary but would be great if possible):
6. Simplify a track by reducing the number of points.
7. #6 based on a final specified total of points.
8. #6 based on eliminating points separated by less than a set distance (this cleans up those lunch stops that produce a hundred points going nowhere).
9. #6 based on eliminating points depending upon the speed between them (above or below - user choses - a specified speed).

In general, the track editing and cleaning features found in Garmin Basecamp (and probably many other computer-based editors) would be fantastic.

Best Wishes,



Do you mean nice to have the ability to add more than one custom map? If so, that seems like a good idea. I'll look into it. If not, please explain. Thanks.

Yes, that is what I mean. There are a lot of sources which could be added. Maybe CalTopo if you wanted to add that on your own. There are a few if you sign up for a developer account that are free for low volume stuff. That is what I would use in this case. I am a heavy Gaia GPS user but it does not have robust editing tools. That's ok though.

I think an iOS editor would be popular. More and more people don't want to drag a laptop around. The ability to slice tracks into multiple parts would be useful in both your existing app and iOS. ADZE does this. Nice for when you source a long track and want to break it up into daily segments.


Yes, that is what I mean. There are a lot of sources which could be added. Maybe CalTopo if you wanted to add that on your own. There are a few if you sign up for a developer account that are free for low volume stuff. That is what I would use in this case. I am a heavy Gaia GPS user but it does not have robust editing tools. That's ok though.

I think an iOS editor would be popular. More and more people don't want to drag a laptop around. The ability to slice tracks into multiple parts would be useful in both your existing app and iOS. ADZE does this. Nice for when you source a long track and want to break it up into daily segments.

I'll take a look at adding the feature allowing multiple custom map tile URLs.

Thanks for the feedback and encouragement for an iOS editor!



Hello Bill:

I've not found a gpx editor for iOS. The only one I found referenced, GPX Track Editor by, is no longer available (confirmed by email to their customer support). So I don't think there are many iOS gpx editors out there. But I'm not sure there is a big market for that functionality even though I'd buy it! Thanks for reminding me of your iOS GPX Viewer - I just purchased it.

The functions I'd find helpful in a iOS gpx editor would be:
Hi Howard,
I probably wouldn't develop an iOS GPX Editor if I didn't have the viewer, but with the viewer a lot of my work is done.
It helps that you outlined what you'd find useful. Good to know.


New member
Hi Howard,
I probably wouldn't develop an iOS GPX Editor if I didn't have the viewer, but with the viewer a lot of my work is done.
It helps that you outlined what you'd find useful. Good to know.
Hi Bill,
I'm wondering if you are still thinking of working on an iOS GPX Editor. I have been happily using your editor on my iMac for several years and would gladly pay for a version that would work on my iPhone. I have been searching and searching for a gpx track file editor that will maintain the waymarks I put into the original track when I was walking, but the only app I can find for the iPhone (GPXEditor) does not transfer the waypoints, just the trackpoints. It is frustrating to have such good success with your app on the computer and not have anything of equal quality to use while traveling with only a phone. I hope you are still considering doing it!

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