iPhone 3Gs: ProClip & OtterBox Defender


Quick question, I just "finally" upgraded my really old Palm Treo 560 for the iPhone 3Gs (32G), boy I do love it.
Also bought the OtterBox Defender case for her - love it too!

I am looking to get the ProClip system for my Toyota Tacoma.
The holder will be center mounted and the Adjustable Holder with Tilt Swivel and Pass-Through Connector for Cable Attachment.
I know that the wings of the Holder will spread wide enough.
I have two questons:

1) Wondering if the thickness of the OtterBox will mis-align the connection to the Pass-through.

2) With the Otterbox, will the ProClip Holder's extra clip on top really necessary when I rotate the phone horizontal (see photo below).
If no, I should be able to get the Holder without that extra clip.


Anyone have this and thoughts on it.


Well, after close to 10 years of trying to find a location to keep my phone from flying around or being in view so I can see who is calling. I finally broke down and bought a new phone carrier for my iPhone (3G-s 32 Gig).

After some searching and no responses to my questions....
I purchased the ProClip holder for my Tacoma.

You have to purchase two parts, the dash mount and the phone holder.

Cost was on the high side for this type of holder.
ProClip Center Mount (852253) = $ 30
ProClip Adjustable Holder with Pass-through Connector (516042) = $ 80
Grand total of $110... yep that much.

And you still have to put it together with (5) screws.

Here are mine with my iPhone next to it.
Front view:

Rear view:

Mount of the Center Dash holder was easy.
Remove the backing from the tape and snap into place.
I made sure it was fairly centered, so the air will flow easy.

In the photo you will see the base for the phone mount. That is held by (4) screws.

Below is the main phone holder being screwed into the base.
One screw is used.


Phone in place.
Vertical mode.

Horizontal mode.

My favorite iPhone app - its a GPS enabled compass and clinometer.

Now you may be asking why did you spend $110 for just a phone holder.
Well, i wanted to be use my iPhone as an mps and use the mount to hook up to my Alpine. When I tried to plug in the phone... no tunes and the battery was not getting charged?!?!?
So I took the mount off to investigate and this is what I saw.

Due to my OtterBox's plastic shell, there connector will not sit flush to the ProClip - with out some modification. :saw:
So i do plan to modify it to make it work.
Oh BTW, my cell phone does work with the ProClip, with out my monster OtterBox case.
I am also sure it would work with thinner cases.

I will post up the mod, when I get a chance to work on it.

Justice R

Looks good

Can you post the name of that Compass app? I looked and could not seem to find it. Thanks!


JDM Journeys
Thanks for the update. I'm hoping to switch to an iphone soon, and have been looking at mounting options. This looks like a good one. I'm hoping with the otterbox commuter, the dock may line up a little better? We'll see.

Justice, it's called 4WD. Here's a link: http://www.appstorehq.com/4wd-iphone-26320/app



Subscribing to this thread! I have an otter box for my iphone and havent found a good mounting solution. Looks like this could be an option. I would like to see how you resolve the connector issue.


The iPhone APP is called.... Vehicle Clinometer/Tilt Meter $2

Only bad that I found with it is that it does NOT save the following setting when you request DIRECTION for the compass.

Then there is the one type of vehicle as a graphic... a jeep :)
Wish there was a choice of different vehicles.

Other than that, I love this app.


After finding this thread you inspired me to come up with my own solution. I ordered a proclip center mount and mounted the otter box belt clip holster directly to the proclip. The otter box isn't made to sit screen out in the holster, so the bungee is required off pavement. I dremeled out the bottom so I could use the charger. Not as clean as the proclip holster, but the only cost is the center mount.


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