JDM Mitsubishi Delica JB500 camper body on L300 truck chassis build


Timing is advanced by default. Retard the timing and with the combination below you'll see massive gains in mpg,torque and power without hurting the engine.

- delete the EGR. It's horrible. Blanking plate is the best.
- Pyro probe/EGT gauge. Must have to monitor the heat climbing.
- retard the timing
- use a good diesel additive
- boost gauge/adjust wastegate and up psi.

I've done this on all my delica's and I'm able to run 31's with a full load and do 60mph down the I5 without breaking a sweat. Before it would suffer at 40mph.

Also I've done a lot of worthwhile upgrades along the years. Most of them are documented over at delica . ca forum.

- I've got the materials to fab parts for the first and I plan on cracking the seal on a bottle of single malt when the EGR is gone. I'm planning on plumbing a pyro probe and gauge into the 0.25 inch upper plate of the EGR delete when that's done. Right now I'm waiting on some reasonable weather before I start messing around in the guts of my Deli.
- Retard the timing? Lets talk details. Seriously, its my daily driver and I can't waste time messing about trying to tweak or dial it in. Is there a procedural for the DIYer?
- Argh! I've seen the additive advice soooo many times (both in MMC and VW circles), but it's rarely ever qualified. Add to this that there is a crap top of expensive snake oil you can dump in your tank and it become increasingly likely I'll throw a rod before my engine does. With winter upon us I've been adding both a CETAN booster and an injector lubricant. The last bottle was from AMS IIRC. The reason for the lube should be self evident, the booster helps deal with the winter fuel formulation. What are you using, when and why?
- Boost gauge? Hell yeah! Plan on mounting mine right next to the EGT once that's in, although I'm suspicious of how much adjustment the waste-gate will allow for additional lift. Again, can you recommend a how-to?

As for the non-turbo camper model I have being gutless. It is and it isn't. It's slow up hill but has awesome torque. Without the turbo I find myself just cruising and enjoying the drive as opposed to rushing somewhere. The camper is not meant to fly down the road. It's unique to drive and people love it wherever I go. The seating position is similar to my old 70's VW Westy. Skinny steering wheel. Just just lean on it and relax.

Yeah, that wasn't meant to be insulting. Diesels from this era are pretty much universally gutless, but carry a ridiculous amount of torque. When I bought my Delica I knew this would be the case (with or without lift). Basically, I reread the first chapter of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" whenever I start feeling impatient. Driving a vehicle like this is about making "good time" with the emphasis on "good."


- I've got the materials to fab parts for the first and I plan on cracking the seal on a bottle of single malt when the EGR is gone. I'm planning on plumbing a pyro probe and gauge into the 0.25 inch upper plate of the EGR delete when that's done. Right now I'm waiting on some reasonable weather before I start messing around in the guts of my Deli.
- Retard the timing? Lets talk details. Seriously, its my daily driver and I can't waste time messing about trying to tweak or dial it in. Is there a procedural for the DIYer?
- Argh! I've seen the additive advice soooo many times (both in MMC and VW circles), but it's rarely ever qualified. Add to this that there is a crap top of expensive snake oil you can dump in your tank and it become increasingly likely I'll throw a rod before my engine does. With winter upon us I've been adding both a CETAN booster and an injector lubricant. The last bottle was from AMS IIRC. The reason for the lube should be self evident, the booster helps deal with the winter fuel formulation. What are you using, when and why?
- Boost gauge? Hell yeah! Plan on mounting mine right next to the EGT once that's in, although I'm suspicious of how much adjustment the waste-gate will allow for additional lift. Again, can you recommend a how-to?

Yeah, that wasn't meant to be insulting. Diesels from this era are pretty much universally gutless, but carry a ridiculous amount of torque. When I bought my Delica I knew this would be the case (with or without lift). Basically, I reread the first chapter of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" whenever I start feeling impatient. Driving a vehicle like this is about making "good time" with the emphasis on "good."

For the timing, you'll need the IP timing tool with a gauge to set it properly. Do you have access to one ?


This is what it looks like with a human standing beside it. We've been using it (sleeping/cooking/traveling around BC) ski touring this season and it's my favorite 4x4 camper to date.



The LED dot headlights are great.

It's amazing how much interior space it has inside compared to how small it looks from outside. The layout and storage space is really efficient for a camper.

I installed a plat-cat vented heater and that's been awesome in the cold mountains so far. Best investment for sure. Gone are the old days of our bigfoot with glass windows and buckets of condensation. The dbl acrylic windows keep heat in and condensation at zero on the windows. Keeps humidity below 50% and vents out all the gasses so interior heat is dry and toasty even dries out our ski gear.



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For the million + miles I've driven across NA (a gross estimate given the milage put on the vehicles I've owned for 40+ years) there are time where I feel like I must live under a rock.

I have never seen one of these things before. Not to insult anyone but the wife thought it was [adorable]. Looks like a lot of fun. I too would have guessed driving visibility was less than acceptable but you've obviously got a lot of miles yourself driving it.

Enjoy and thanks for sharing!


Cute is the word most people use when seeing it for the first time. It's like a mini 4x4 old VW with a new FG body on it.

This is what it looks like compared to a new BMW SUV.





New member
That is so cool, I learnt to drive in an 83 4wd L300 van. The old body style, this shape, 4wds were ladder frame for both the vans and trucks. We had 31" tyres on ours and found we had to trim the front wheel arch behind the tyre for clearence. The hot ticket back in the day was a 2" body lift and a 4G54 conversion, there were a few companies doing that here in Australia. Now I can count on 1 hand how many I've seen in the last few years.


New member
I just picked up a JB470 at auction in Japan, should be landed in Canada a month or so... Hopefully, she will be running good when it lands... This will be my fifth Delica.


mobydick 11

Active member
looks very nice ,must be a newer one then mine . Just took mine on a 3,700 K trip to Myrtle Beach . Is the 470 a shorter wheel base then the 500 ?sort of looks like it from the pictures . Thanks Richard


New member
Its a 1997. Not sure about the wheelbase on it. but it does look shorter than the 500's. It is still in Japan and should be in Canada in about a month. I will provide an update once we have the keys! Very excited. This is going to replace our Delica L400 with a rooftop tent and will be our fifth Delica haha.

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