Josh's 2014 Xterra Pro 4x - guided by necessity


Well, Will, if you ever feel like venturing into southern AZ you know you've got a bed to rest your delicate little head... and a flask from which to indulge in spirits.

Now I have to start looking at the next improvement, and I think it's time for sliders. I was going to go the shrockworks, but I'm not sure if I want to deal with the lengthy production times. Any other suggestions from the Nissan peanut gallery?


White knuckle or bare steel from Hefty. Hefty's powder coat is terrible. Check the for sale section in TheNewX


Thanks will, I'll look into those. Haven't seen any seen any for sale on thenewx forums recently, but I'll keep looking.

Wreck, the deaver AAL gave me a full two inches, maybe slightly more, in the rear. Haven't measured up front, but the OME coils probably give me 1.5-1.75 inches. This estimate is based on visual differences between them and the 2 inch coil spacers I had on previously. I plan on throwing some 1/2 inch prg spacers top of them for a little more up front, hoping that they don't cause coil bucket contact off road. If they do, I'll just take them out until I upgrade the UCAs.


Well, the wife had to work today (Christmas Eve), which was unfortunate, but it gave me the opportunity to get out and explore a little. I ventured into the Gardner Canyon area outside of Sonoita on the aptly named Gardner Canyon Trail. The trail itself is about 18 miles long, with many off chutes leading into other trail networks. It is bordered mostly by cattle ranches, but is also spotted with federally procured mining claims. Overall, it was an easy trail, with some harder sections with steep, rocky climbs. There was even a picturesque water crossing. Enjoy the pictures!
Much of the trail was just scenic dirt road:

Although prepared with my mobile sluice, I opted not to pirate this claim.

The xterra did well on the trail, really impressed with the OME setup.

The ruins of and old mining encampment, known as "Kentucky Camp":

As previously stated, some parts of the trail were a little trickier. This picture is deceiving, this hill was quite steep and rutted/rocky.

Near the bottom of the canyon proper, there was a mountain-fed creek (hence the existence of actual trees).

Simple, scenic water crossing.

Hard to tell from the picture, but this puddle was actually frozen. It was 65 degrees and sunny out. A testament to the wild day/night temperature swings in the high desert.

Overall, it was a worthwhile trip. I definitely appreciate the terrain here, being accustomed to the mud, roots, and murk of the East Coast.


xterraoffroad, unfortunate I was recently relocated by the Army and won't get to experience the Watertown winter this year, HAH! I had enough Northern NY winter last year to last me a lifetime.


Well, Will, if you ever feel like venturing into southern AZ you know you've got a bed to rest your delicate little head... and a flask from which to indulge in spirits.

Now I have to start looking at the next improvement, and I think it's time for sliders. I was going to go the shrockworks, but I'm not sure if I want to deal with the lengthy production times. Any other suggestions from the Nissan peanut gallery?

Great photos! I love Arizona.

Are you still looking for sliders? There's a couple of group buys starting on thenewx. I'm considering getting in on this one:


Love the title and theme of this thread...guided by necessity. I would see myself approaching modding the exact same way you are if I were to buy a new Xterra...only get what you absolutely need.

Keep up the posts. They are informative and fun to read!

Also, I noticed your last few posts mentioned that you were driving around Arizona. Do you still reside in NY? I currently reside near Rochester, and am very close to buying a used Xterra. I would love to find some other people (Xterra owners and others) to go exploring with.

Also, auto or 6 speed?
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Love the title and theme of this thread...guided by necessity. I would see myself approaching modding the exact same way you are if I were to buy a new Xterra...only get what you absolutely need.

Keep up the posts. They are informative and fun to read!

Also, I noticed your last few posts mentioned that you were driving around Arizona. Do you still reside in NY? I currently reside near Rochester, and am very close to buying a used Xterra. I would love to find some other people (Xterra owners and others) to go exploring with.

Also, auto or 6 speed?

Thanks! Unfortunately (fortunately?), I no longer live in NY. I was up in Watertown for four years, but I've relocated to Arizona for the next year or so. I certainly miss the northern Adirondacks, as it truly is a beautiful area. Arizona has its charms too, though. Once you get the Xterra, I highly recommend checking out the Croghan Tract and Moose River Plains areas. Both are probably an hour or two from you, feel free to PM me for specific route info or directions.

My X is an AT. I have no qualms with MTs, I just feel that the slush box serves me better off road.


Covered over 80 miles of dirt road and rocky, mountainous trails today in Patagonia, AZ. Extensive use of 4-low and the locker was required. We (a couple jeeper-buddies and myself) got to check out several abandoned mines and the Duquesne ghost town on the border. Very enjoyable day, overall.
Don't mind my buddy un-blousing in this photo.

One of several mines we explored, safely. Recent heavy rains in Southern AZ have washed old mining rubble from deep in the mines out onto the mountain slopes. We found a significant amount of silver ore in front of one mine.

Interesting historical/commemorative marker we found just outside of Duquesne, about 200 meters from the Mexican border.
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