Just Purchased my new Dual Sporter!


Is it plated? i've been looking for a Ca plated 650r, they can't be plated past I think aug 04, so a used one is the only way to go.

Colorado Ron

Kermit said:
Enduro Engineering for the seat...I think. They may only do KTM. I tried checking, but, I think someone stole their web address. You can also try CEET. You can also just pull the cover and ad your own foam.

Let me ask on my bike forums for you.

Baja designs makes the HID kit on the black 650. http://www.bajadesigns.com/
The wheels are Exel rims with Talon hubs probably around a grand for just that wheel set. That tank might be a IMS or a Clarke with a dry break. Plastic, I am guessing is Acerbis. Scotts steering stabilizer, Cycra ProBend Hand guards or might be FastWays (Cycra makes them for FastWay), Answer Pro Taper bar. Maxxis IT tires, (I run those, good cheap durable tire) That is about all I can tell from the picture.

I don't know what that front brake rotor is, not stock...looks like stock exhuast, that has the insert removed.

WOW! Thanks--that saved me a ton of research!


Colorado Ron said:
WOW! Thanks--that saved me a ton of research!

You're welcome...I am a motogeek!

Oh the seat on the Black 650 is a SDG...Speed Defies Gravity....they make mountain bike seats too. I had one on my Honda CRF450R...great seats. You can get different hardness/softness/heights.http://www.sdgusa.com/
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I'll vouch for Renazco, they will make the seat to your order as well. Not cheap though. The KTM seat I got from them is a lot easier for week long trips than the stock KTM 2x4.

The only drawbacks to an XRR is lack of electric start, and for those wanting to do long adventures and packing luggage the rear subframe is aluminum and prone to breaking when loaded and stressed. I've seen several break carrying luggage on the tail, not something you want have happen far from home.

You may want to add some gussets to the subframe or look around and see if someone makes a stronger one.

Colorado Ron

well if all goes well this will soon be gone. Im sad but really want a 2 up. I have had an offer and possibly trading it in on a BMW 1100GS.


Camp Ninja
Colorado Ron said:
Id rather cushion a true offroader than offroad a cushy bike. Plus I wanted something die hard.

Well there went that idea.:shakin:

Colorado Ron said:
I have had an offer and possibly trading it in on a BMW 1100GS.

Can't go wrong with the Bimmer. I can't wait to see what you get. :lurk:


Colorado Ron said:
well if all goes well this will soon be gone. Im sad but really want a 2 up. I have had an offer and possibly trading it in on a BMW 1100GS.

Start working out and getting used to heavy dead lifts, those suckers are a bear to pick up when you drop em in the dirt n mud.

They really rock for pavement touring though, very nice ride and handle much better than they would appear to.


El Gringo Spectacular!
It's the archer...not the arrow...

Yes, the big GSs are heavy. No question about it. Too heavy to do some great off road touring...nope. If you want two up capability, the GS will shine.


Colorado Ron

Finally had a warm day and took the XR out for another ride. I just dont want to give up the bike. I like the GSs but man the raw simplicity of the bike just makes it perfect--well almost. I really need 2 up and a capable solution to the weak subframe for cargo.


El Gringo Spectacular!
Well...you're just gonna have to do what I'm doing....have both an XR and a GS.....the rough/lightweight dirt trips will be for the XR, and the mixed, dirt road trips will be for the GS.

Luckily, XRs are cheap enough to have one of both....



That sounds like a good solution, but it depends on where you plan to go riding and with who.

There are a lot of places you can go easily on an XR that you really don't want to try to go on a big BMW, and likewise a big BMW will shine on both maintained dirt roads and long distance pavement even 2 up.

I've been on many trips with other folks who rode both light and heavy bikes on my KTM LC4 bikes. On trips with larger bikes we end up stopping at some places so I can go scout ahead a mile or two and judge whether the guys on the big bikes can make it (after riding with them and knowing what they will and won't be willing to try) and helping them pick up the bikes a fair amount. Then when we hit pavement for 100 miles it's me who suffers from a light bike with thumper vibrations and no wind protection. :)

On group trips with only 600 or less class bikes, I usually end up riding tailgunner and taking it easy just making sure the group doesn't leave anyone behind and maybe only scouting ahead if we get into some really really rough conditions.

Many of the guys on big BMW's and Vstroms I know have since scaled down to KLR's or honda XR's after a year or two of DS riding and running into too many trails with terrain it was just too hard to handle on the big bikes.

Others have gone to two bikes, a larger one for two up and longer road trips, and a 600 class for solo DS riding.

I'm a single guy though so I have no need for two up, especially off road. I have an FZ-1 for road trips and it can handle 2 up.

For example the trip I took for a week of offroad riding a loop around Arizona last summer I would not have made it through some of it on a big BMW, and I've been riding dual sports for 30 years. But the last bit riding 100 miles of interstate on the KTM single was definitely an endurance trial on the small bike.

It's all compromise, and the right compromise for you depends on what you'll actually be using for.

Metal Twister

Highly Motivated
You will love it! I rode one just like that all over Baja. Not a problem ever! Well they dont run to well with air cleaner caked with silt. LOL But other than that its the perfect bike. If I didnt get the deal of the century on my LC4 Id still be riding it. Have fun and enjoy. You might get some good tips from this group. They are an a club run this weekend in the So. Cal desert. But a great source of info. http://www.dualsport-sd.com/forums/index.php

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