LA, Denver, Alaska, Inuvik and back - 5 months with a Land Cruiser FZJ80 (Pictures!)


Looks like you had fun. If you hit the Moki Dugway, you should driven through Valley of the Gods. Sort of a mini Monument Valley. Elephant Hill is just sort of a fun day drive anymore but there are a few fun sections, most of the trail out to the confluence of the Green and Colorado rivers is a 2WD road. Top of the World is a fun trail that will require 4X4 up and down if you do the loop from the top. Fins "N Things is fun. Hopefully, you drove highway 128 out from Moab. I enjoyed looking at your pictures.


As you probably know, the Moab area is such a huge playground for 4x4 activities. Canyonlands, Arches, Needles District, and so on. You could spend several weeks being busy with exploring new trails. We already were short on time due my dads departure from Denver in a couple days.
My plan was driving the white rim trail within two days with camping on the trail. Unfortunately that's just impossible when you're traveling with an open time schedule. We didn't know when we'll be in Moab exactly and getting a permit for camping in advance was not possible. I checked the reservation homepage a couple days in advance and there was already everything full. Our last chance was going to the visitor centre, maybe someone cancelled their reservation or didn't make it by time. No luck for us. The lady on the desk was very nice and completely understood that we were a bit disappointed. It's nearly impossible getting a permit as a foreign traveler or someone who doesn't exactly know when he will be in the area. It's not like you set a weekend, get your permit three months in advance and just drive out to Moab on that date.
We totally understand and respect that they want to regulate traffic and overnight stays on the trail, but it would be nice if they would save one spot/permit at each campground for first come first serve at the visitor centre. Maybe something like that.
I also asked her what happens when we just stay on a campground without a permit. She just smiled and said we would have a nice conversation with officer Bryan followed by a high fee. Not really worth it.

She showed us plenty other trails on the map which can be done as one day trips. We left the visitor centre thankful but still disappointed. My dad and I discussed what to do next. We knew it might be possible doing the white rim trail in one day, but we didn't want to rush through that beautiful area. One more reason to come back another time!

We started our offroad day with the Shafer Trail. It starts right at the visitor centre and brings you from the high plateau down into the valley.


Nice switchbacks and wide enough to pass other vehicles.


The road itself is just amazing, it looks like it's carved into the wall.


Once you're at the bottom the road disappears into nowhere.


On the road downwards.



If you look back to where you come from, you couldn't even imagine that there a road exists.


Soon after the switchbacks we turned left onto Potash Road instead of going straight for the White Rim Trail.
Green River overlook


Absolutely beautiful rock formations all along the trail.


And we kissed the Colorado River!


Potash road is a very short trail and there was plenty of time to explore more trails. Close to the end of Potash Road, a little bit north, starts Long Canyon Road.


The road quickly brings you back to higher elevation.


And offers beautiful views.


All the good things of the trip in one picture, my dad, the Land Cruiser and little me.


Climbing up Pucker Pass


When suddenly this massive boulder appeared.


That's one of the coolest things I've seen on a trail so far! Just take a look at the size of that boulder and imagine the noise and shock when it landed on the ground.


Along the trail


Another view of the big boulder.


We turned back onto the main park road and went on another dirt road for taking a loot at the Gemini Bridges.

The bridges itself are huge!


An yes, they really are two bridges.


Deep drop offs all around. You barely can spot my dad on the other side in its red jacket.


Dark clouds were coming up once again.


High above Highway 191, almost at the end of the trail.


We really wished having more time to explore the area, but it was time to move on. We left Utah over Highway 128 direction Grand Junction Colorado.


We spent a night in Grand Junction and continued south the other day towards Ouray. it was rainy all day long long and pretty chilly. We checked the weather in advance for Ouray and Red Mountain Pass and we knew that it was getting cold, too cold for camping. My dad did some research online and we ended up renting a small, cozy and heated cabin in Ouray.
I'm very glad we did, it was almost snowing when we arrived at the cabins.



We still had half of the day left, so why not driving up the mountain road and checking out the Million Dollar Highway?

Welcome to Switzerland of America!


And we really felt like home. Cold, rain, fog, mountains.. Does it say COLD or COLO on the sign??


The rain quickly turned into snow while we drove higher and higher into the clouds.


Can you see the car in the oncoming lane? I almost didn't either. I don't know what kind of idiot you have to be for driving without your headlights on on a narrow mountain road, in the fog, while its' snowing!


We made it to the top and had a little snowball fight going on.


3'376m (11'076ft) over sea level, that's a pretty serious height for a mountain pass road. The highest mountain pass road in Switzerland is about 2'478m (8'130ft) high.


We drove the same way back down to Ouray and had dinner in town. Next to us was a motel named Matterhorn Inn and the name of our waitress was Heidi, we couldn't felt more like home.


The weather was way better the next and we woke up to a sunny and bright morning.


Could have been worse I guess.


Today we drove to Montrose for shoping and doing some service on the Land Cruiser. On the way back we stopped at the hot springs for a bath. It was a absolutely beautiful landscape with the white mountains around us.




It was still very cold in Ouray, but not too cold for grilling some good meat.



There was absolutely no chance for driving any offroad trails due the snow and we drove from Ouray over Red Mountain Pass to Durango.
The Million Dollar Highway is way more spectacular when not covered in fog.




From Durango we first drove east and then back north. The landscape was absolutely beautiful but unfortunately, the mountains were covered with clouds for the most time.



We made a short break in Leadville and checked out all the old buildings.




The last stretch of our journey was from Leadville to Denver. We had some heavy rain and the drive wasn't very enjoyable.


We took a motel for two nights and then it was time to say good bye to my dad, he had to fly back to Switzerland.
It was an awesome trip and time we shared together and we both hope doing something similar again in the next future.


Fantastic trip.
I'm so glad you were able to spend part of it with your Dad!
Looking forward to more....


New member
Sweet spot

You are right at the perfect time of your life where this kind of trip really works. My father and I have gone on many great expeditions (and we still do, though he is almost 80) but the time between reaching adulthood and having kids of your own is really the best for this. Once you have your own kids it becomes a little more difficult to give your dad your full attention and the trips get a little-bit less epic. I'm kind of sad to have passed through that period already but SO looking forward to the trips I will have with my sons. Your trip report is really well-written and inspiring. Keep it coming!

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