

Never worried too much about coyotes, anything else for that matter. Just harder to fillet 15 ot 20 sandbass under headlights. Its not done for romantic alure, its done for utility. From setting up camp at 10:00 pm on Lake San Cristobal after driving 20 hours or being party to changing a chevy water pump by lantern light outside of Jackson Hole Wyoming 20 years ago, I have learned they can be handy.

If your sitting under a tarp shelter, watching it pour buckets of rain on a 40º evening nothing adds warmth like a hot lantern

If I'm backpacking I dont worry about anything other than a candle lantern. But that being said, I dont do much of anything but day hikes anymore.

If I'm in a camp ground or around others, I shut it down by around 8:00 pm.

In the Big Bend, I've seen the moon as big as a basketball at arms length and watched lightning from storms a hundred miles away. But I've also been socked in at 30º temps with a cloud base at 2000' and visibility less than a mile. I guess for me, I like having the option of having any amount of light I want when I want it.

Like you say though, to each his own. If I'm set up and my light bothers you, let me know, as soon as the fish are cleaned and fried I'll cut it off.:sombrero:

Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
I have several. For ease of use I like my Propane Coleman. I plan to get the adapter hose so I can hook it into a 20lb tank what will be on the expidition trailer I am building.

I also have a Stainless steel base 1948 Coleman that belonged to my Grandfather. Complete with concrete stuck to the bottom when he use to do concrete in Detroit. We will take it with our 1959 Airstream for its vintage.

I have a second white fuel Colman from the 60's that was my parrents.

I also recently aquired a rare Bernz-O-Matic dual beam propane from about 1960 that will also go with the camper.

If you can make the room nothing beats the amount of light you can get from a white gas or propane lanturn.


Expedition Leader
Now, I usually do not run my lantern all night. Usually just for cooking and clean up, then it gets turned way down or completely off. Remeber all, I am kinda cheap and those propane bottles are expensive.:sombrero:


Dobletraccion, I understand where your coming from. Usually I get it with the guy in the next area and loud stereos. Your kinda screwed in Texas, too many people in the parks and no real off road driving territory to get away from the crowds.

I used to head for Lake City or Ouray on every vacation and run all the trails between the two. Then I wandered over to Moab and did the white rim trail. Been trailing in the canyons ever since. Need to get back to Colorado, but changed jobs and vacation is scarce now so I live thru you guys exploits.:D



Sounds pretty good, I usually do it up simple. Cut to finger size pieces where it will fry fast, dip in egg and roll in Masa harina mixed with a hefty dose of red pepper, black pepper and a touch of corn meal, on the other burner boil up in crab boil, new potatos, corn on the cob and sliced andouille.

If your looking for a little snack, dip some green beans in the egg, roll in the fish fry and drop them in the grease.

On a hot day, serve with beer so cold it makers your teeth hurt straight from an ice chest with a little rock salt thrown in and you are set for over indulgence.

You can also use a big jar of mustard and one beer mixed for the dip, then roll in corn flour and red pepper, thats pretty good too.


Mmmmm, tecate. The perfect brew for that kind of meal.

I like porters and brown ales a little warmer, but Tecate, give me that baby at 28º and life is good.

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
unimogmike said:
i have a britelyt and it is really nice unit, however it is really no better than my coleman. I also purchased a surplus petromax from germany. it is dated in the early 1940s. Exactly the same as the britelyt, i think all of the parts interchange. The only downside to these is weight. can't beat the wide light coverage


I have a Petromax lantern, and I like it better than my three Colemans (two of these are dual fuel). The Petromax is easier to prime and light, has a useful reflector, burns white gas, leaded or unleaded gas, Deisel, or kerosene, provides MORE light, and an attachment is available that lets you pressurize the can from a you OBA system. A bit pricey, but a real rugged piece of equipment.



I have this Coleman Xcursion Lantern, I like the design and the simplicity, but I think I will return this for a mantel-less design.


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The Brunton that you can run without the mantle doesnt make much more light than a candle lantern with the mantle off, dont know about the one with the reflector (liberty).

No doubt the Petromax is heavier duty, but I got to say, the Coleman northstar I just bought has been the easiest to light I have ever seen. Its kept the pressure now for 6 days, just push the piezo button, hold it in and turn the knob and its running, I counted it off just now. Turn the valve and at the end of one thousand one, its lit and running. Floors me its so fast.
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Scenic WonderRunner

I use....and love.....the old school Coleman stuff.

I have about 4 white gas pump Coleman Lanterns.

I have 3 Coleman Stoves......two are 2 burner..... and one 3 burner!

I also have an old Coleman catalytic Heater (did I spell that right?) This came in VERY handy this past Feb. in the El Paso Mtns. CA. in the old miners cabin while waiting for the group to arrive and the freezing rain was a blown' really good outside!

I'm kind of starting a Coleman collection.........and everytime I see one at a garage sale I pick it up really far all under $8 bucks. Except for the dual fuel lantern my 4x4 buddy gave me for Christmas!! what a nice guy!

I prefer the white gas to the small propane bottles. I would feel bad about throwing all those used bottles in the trash. I know you can prolly get a kit to refill them, but I don't want them.

And for me......The sounds and smell of the white gas burning..........the pumping up....the fussing and fiddling.....sitting next to the Warm Lantern on a cold night playing cards or whatever..........all takes me back to a more peaceful time in my life while as a young boy, I watched my parents do the same thing.


I couldn't imagine camping without my Coleman latern. I still use a propane model and usually use it while cooking or cleaning up then turn it off when it's time to sit around the fire. And I rather enjoy the noise. It reminds me of camping as a kid. We always had that thing going. They are also great for sitting around and playing cards at night.:camping:

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