LATEST PROJECT - Truck Drawers/Sleeping Platform


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an amazing built! You are lucky to have the long bed version of the D40!! here in Chile we have the normal one... not long enough to sleep comfy inside, but the overall setup is great.

I'm starting to deal with "couple" life, going out with my girlfriend and , you know, girls have more stuff to take with them when camping, like hot shower and better sleep place. I'm actually using ground tent and air mattress, works great but when we are camping at 3500 meters with -15ºC it would be better to sleep inside the car(or canopy).

Thanks for sharing your build but I noticed you didn't put so many pics of the on board hot water/shower system. I'm impressed how people were worried more for drawers than this amazing solution. I would apreciatte if you can help me posting more detailed pics of you system... the install at the bonnet, how the pipes go to the tub, all the wiring... anyway all you can post about the on board hot water/shower system and the heater inside the canopy.

greetings from Chile!!


I'm sorry if I missed it, but maybe someone can help me out... Did you say where you got your bolts/nuts/washers? Did you just go to the local hardware/Lowes etc? Or is there an online source that is significantly cheaper? I know buying stainless steel bolts at Lowes can add up quickly.

If anyone can point me to a better source I would appreciate it.

Separate question: I am having trouble picturing how the spring-nuts stop motion along the track. Is it just a function of pulling them really tight? Or is there something preventing linear slippage?

Thanks for your help! I am excited to get started on this.


Is outside
I'm sorry if I missed it, but maybe someone can help me out... Did you say where you got your bolts/nuts/washers? Did you just go to the local hardware/Lowes etc? Or is there an online source that is significantly cheaper? I know buying stainless steel bolts at Lowes can add up quickly.

If anyone can point me to a better source I would appreciate it.

Separate question: I am having trouble picturing how the spring-nuts stop motion along the track. Is it just a function of pulling them really tight? Or is there something preventing linear slippage?

Thanks for your help! I am excited to get started on this.

I would hope you still have at least one classic hardware store in your region. Make parts/tool list. Road trip.


I'm sorry if I missed it, but maybe someone can help me out... Did you say where you got your bolts/nuts/washers? Did you just go to the local hardware/Lowes etc? Or is there an online source that is significantly cheaper? I know buying stainless steel bolts at Lowes can add up quickly.

If anyone can point me to a better source I would appreciate it.

Separate question: I am having trouble picturing how the spring-nuts stop motion along the track. Is it just a function of pulling them really tight? Or is there something preventing linear slippage?

Thanks for your help! I am excited to get started on this.

Mcmaster Carr is one of the cheapest solutions for hardware in bulk. They also have stuff your local hardware store won't. The springs just hold the nut in place until you can get a bolt in it.


New member
roadtripcrazed, where did you get your utili trac's? My mind has been spinning since I found this build only a few days ago, and unfortunately haven't been able to go out and about parts shopping just some 'net browsing. I will be building something similar , without the water system, once the summer winds down and before hunting season. I had some plans drawn up, but almost had a stroke when I priced out commercial slides... the bearing and steel tubing is a great idea that I will also utilize. Thanks for the inspiration!


New member
Thank you for so much information and to see that you are still responding is really great. I am getting ready to build a half rack in the bed of my Tundra with just one drawer and a single side platform. The other side will be for tools so I can travel, work and sleep out of my rig (relocating the family). I've been looking for good ideas I so far your idea (as well as your responsiveness) has been my favorite. I'm going with a SnugTop instead of Leer. I'm getting the Sport Hi-Liner with extra headroom.

I may have missed it if you already mentioned this but have you incorporated solar?



New member
Alternative to utili-track system (for 1998 Toyota Tacoma)

Great design - I am going to try build something similar for my Toyota Tacoma. I like the idea of the utili-track system but I can't seem to find any used ones on e-bay. I think I'd prefer to use a track system to secure the drawer structure rather than bolting it directly to the bed of the truck.

Have any of you fabricated or adapted the utili-track system? Pictures?


New member
Not sure if this will help any but for those looking for utili track, it reminds me of unistrut that I use almost daily at work. You can get it 7/8", I think that may be a cheaper option than trying to find a utili track system for sale.
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Not sure if this will help any but for those looking for utili track, it reminds me of unistrut that I use almost daily at work. You can get it 7/8", I think that may be a cheaper option than trying to find a utili track system for sale.

It's also available at your local Home Depot. Along with standard fittings. Only downfall, it's steel.

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