Leave behind trailer?


Authentic Adventurer

Do you guys Leave your trailers as base camp when you explore or always break down camp and take with?

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
If I'm staying there for a while, I leave my trailer (M416 w/RTT) set up.

Usually find a nice 'basecamp' and set up, then go exploring from there.

Only break camp and drag the trailer with if I plan on camping in a different spot that night.

Usually I try and find secluded areas, and in Moab, we use BLM campsites.

I've never had a problem with anyone messing with anything or theft.

I do try and secure stuff, but it's only a deterrent, locks only keep honest folks honest.:coffeedrink:


I always leave behind because you never know what you will encounter on the trail and I don't want it to limit me in what I can do. Another reason is that I'm usually the biggest thing on the trail so I get the wonderful duty of yanking and saving everybody when things go wrong.

Just make sure to always secure stuff if you leave camp!


I leave mine behind as well. I have a removable tounge hitch so I take that off and it goes in my vehicle with me. I also carry a kryptonite cable lock and run it through one of the wheels and frame. everything on my trailer has some sort of locking mechanisim on it. They will have to spend some time to get my stuff, but like they say, it only keeps the honest ... honest. I will say this.... when I'm out in the field I carry and if I come back and catch them... lets just say no quarters will be given.... low life thieves will be treated like lowlife thieves.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: If I take mine with its selfcontained tent-it goes wherever my jeep goes, if I have more of a load (people) and I set up another tent, then I'll leave it at a base camp

It'll go anywhere my jeep can go !!

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO

SAR Jeepster

We do very little base camping so the trailer goes with us most of the time. Most trips we have a different place to spend the night planed. The few times we have left the trailer every thing can be locked and we have not had any problems.


If I'm staying there for a while, I leave my trailer (M416 w/RTT) set up.

Usually find a nice 'basecamp' and set up, then go exploring from there.

Only break camp and drag the trailer with if I plan on camping in a different spot that night.

Usually I try and find secluded areas, and in Moab, we use BLM campsites.

I've never had a problem with anyone messing with anything or theft.

I do try and secure stuff, but it's only a deterrent, locks only keep honest folks honest.:coffeedrink:

Thats my plan. I am working on building a trailer and want to use it the same way. On trips where I plan on staying in one spot for more than one night, Ill leave it as a basecamp. On trips such as Mojave Road, Ill pack it up and drag it along. Im not a huge proponent of trailers but after watching some friends basecamp theirs while I had to fold up my rtt each day to go play, and then return to the same spot, it sold me on them.

Z Bronco

New member
I have done both and it has always depended on the adventure that we are doing. The trailers make a great base camp as well as letting make home wherever you end up for the day.


Expedition Leader
It depends on the trip obviously, but I would say on most of our trips we like to plan for some time to hike, explore, fish, or even just kick back and enjoy being there. So, we don't do too many trips longer than a quick weekend getaway where we are moving camp every night. When we are camped somewhere for more than a night we'll leave the trailer for the day without too much concern. We'll take some time to make sure the camp is reasonably secured, but frankly in most places we camp I am usually most concerned about 4-legged critters. If I'm concerned enough I may take the hitch coupler with me and leave the pin locked in the tongue.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
For many the whole purpose of the trailer is to leave it behind at camp as a base camp and not have to haul all of your stuff/break down your camp daily.


Authentic Adventurer
The reason I asked is that now that my Syncro is complete(for the most part) I will be doing more and more extended trips with multiple vehicles. To avoid ALWAYS having to break down my camp and roll, it would be nice to ocasionally leave the van behind(with reasonable precautions taken). My van always seems to become the gathering spot and main basecamp and it would be nice to leave it that way and just jump in with others.

Traveling to Baja in January and probably won't try that there unless it is at a decent camp with others around but certainly not boondocking.

I have not made it out west to boondock in the Syncro and I am just curious how others handle leaving a vehicle or basecamp behind for the day.

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