My Wife and I decided to social distance by getting out of the city and away from people this past good Friday. We went to a camp ground to check it out as we had never been there before. The road there was a bit dicey when we hit the dirt road as parts where thawed out and badly rutted and soft, did I mention soft! Well we had a couple of moments of oh crap maybe this wasn't a great idea, but got though it. I will add as we were leaving a suburban of the same vintage as my truck came down the same road we had come down 2 hours earlier. My first thought was damn I cant drive!! When we left we found that the road after being in the sun for a few hours was much easier to drive back on. So this place is in the south east corner of Manitoba, And across the ice behind the truck is Minnesota. I just had to get my better half out of the house she is got bad cabin fever. In Manitoba the parks are still open but facilities are closed. It took 30$ to wash the road mud off the truck the next day, it was like cement and freakin heavy! I will add the truck is sitting on a 3" level with AAL in the back added on 33" duratracks with a winch behind the front bumper, so I could have extracted it from most of the issues
have a great day folks and stay well

have a great day folks and stay well