Lid Removal ARB Fridge


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
Bought our ARB fridge 6 months ago, loving it! But I can not get that lid off as it is shown in this video (50sec in)
I pulled on it, twisted it .... nothing works. I'm actually afraid I will damage it if I keep trying.... Anyone else having that problem? Next step for me would be the use of WD40... But afraid that the fridge will smell like that stuff for ages. Ideas?



The lid hinge can be a little stiff when new. If you lift the lid and look at the hinge you will see metal part with pin. You can sneak a blade in there to push the pin/hinge back into the lid which will release the lid. It really just requires a little wiggling back and forth to pull it off.


I had the same issue when new. I did the trick above with a butter knife. Once you see the slot in the hinge, it becomes obvious... I doubt you could hurt it. Lift the lid about 3-4 inches and yank it sideways like you are trying to turn a loaded shopping cart. It will come off. After 15-20 cycles, it will feel and work correctly.

I would avoid lubricants as they will trap dirt.

And... WD40 smells awesome!

Good luck.


The lid straight up sucks to remove. My buddy has had his fridge for maybe 5 years and its never gotten easier. Only way I have found that sometimes works is tweak to the side and pull as hard as you can lol. I just try not to remove mine :(


agreed - it feels like it's going to break, then the detent goes in and it pops out. I've found that the lid needs to be a little bit cracked open for it to work smoothly. There is a "sweet spot"


The lid removal is a pain when new, as stated theres a sweet spot. It's supposed to pull straight out but you need to rock it side to side and work it off. What I ended up doing was lightly sanding and polishing the metal parts (a dremel makes quick work), you'll see where the contact points are and the seat "hump" the spring loaded pivot needs to get over to be removed. The polishing has helped.


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
I did it! Couple of drops of WD40, let it sit for 5 minutes, open 1" and bang that lid just slips out!


Expedition Leader
I have this problem, it takes a lot force to get the top off. Is WD-40 (or other oil) my only option?


New member
I find it is a lot easier to remove when the fridge is firmly strapped in place. With it tied down in the truck it will pop right off but in the house if the fridge moves free it will not want to give.


This is my second ARB fridge and have not had a reason to remove the lid. I did remove the previous fridge lid and discovered it really was not necessary to do so on this one. I clean the fridge after each use with alcohol in a spray bottle and a paper towel. It is firmly bolted to the floor of the LR3 between the second row seats.


I only take mine off when initially loading or unloading at the end of the trip.

Once you've done it you'll get the method needed. I lift my 2-3 inches and a shape/quick snap to the left and it's in my hands. ;-)


Expedition Leader
I've had my fridge for years, it used to be super easy and smooth. Now it just wont come off, I tried all angles, all levels of force with it securely tied down.

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