Looking for a 95 Discovery


New member
I'm on the hunt for a 95 Discovery. I'm not sweating any of the small stuff like bad switches, window motors and such. I have a couple of basic criterior:

Must have both front air bags (at least be equipped for them).
Minimal rust (I know it will have some)
Would prefer it to have both sunroofs (don't really have to work, just be there)
Can be safely driven from your location to mine. Doesn't have to be a daily driver, but it needs to get to Chicago intact.

I went and looked at one last night that the *** wanted $3000 for and it was a disaster. Besides rust holes in the wheel well/door frame that you could stick multiple fingers through, the transfer wouldn't engage low range and the linkage wouldn't even try to lock the center diff. The front axle was askew (I need to study the rave to see how this was even possible) to the point the driver side wheel was a full inch forward in the wheel well compared to the passenger side. I'm guessing someone went wheeling with it and suffered some catastrophic impact that misaligned everything enough the linkage was bound. If it hadn't been for the rust I might have made him a reasonable offer, but he indicated he wasn't interested in going down any so I just left.

I might consider a 96 or 97, but I'm hoping for a 95 because they are exempt from the 1996 OBDII requirements, making it easier to swap in a different engine. I'm expecting a project car, so I'm not concerned about minor stuff like radio wiring, windows switches, headlamps and stuff. A solid body is really all that's important, and it has to be mobile in a limited fashion so I can move it around at my storage location.


New member
HOLY **** dude. You rock. I hadn't looked at the Milwaukee craig's list yet. I'm going to look at the Milwaukee one tonight. When I called him he was installing a DVD stereo in it, and hes raised the price 200$ because he took it for a 240$ tuneup this morning that he has receipts for. I asked him to describe the rust below the door latch post and he claimed there was none. We shall see when I get there.


New member
Will prolly get the Milwaukee one, but the guy is squirrely. The truck is in passable shape. Most importantly, the body is solid with no serious rust. The transfer case would go grudgingly into low, but the center diff lock wouldn't budge. The passenger seat looks like it was mauled by a tiger, and he had a lot of the interior taken apart to try and install new speakers and a radio to ghetto it up. The engine ran decent, no clanks in the steering or suspension. Crappy shocks. Prolly worth 2K no problem. But when I go to give him the money like I told him I would if I liked it, he says he can't sell it for a few days because he doesn't have a car. So now hes gonna call me back next week when he gets a new car.


New member
The Bentley/Bugatti dealer here has a 96 on the showroom floor with 80K miles for 6,000$. I have to assume that its in pretty nice shape for them to be willing to keep it in stock with million dollar cars. A 95 means I can skip the whole OBDII issue entirely for legal purposes. I know the chances of anyone caring that a 96 doesn't have one if I put a 300TDI in it are slim, but if I spend 30,000$ on a project vehicle and then it summarily becomes illegal for bureaucratic reasons, my wife will NEVER trust me to embark on anything expensive again, so I'm trying to play it safe. In 6 months if I still can't find a decent 95 I will try 96-97. :)
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New member
I'm working my way out in a radius. :)

The one in Holland Mi looks like a good deal for the $. Hes already got most of the solid mods I would go for installed, so it would be an engine and cleanup. If this weirdo doesn't call back on Monday, I might schedule a drive to Michigan. Dunno.

b jeepin

back again

hey, if you are looking at one in holland i could preview it for you if you would like. i'm about twenty five minutes away but get that way sometimes. just let me know and i'd be happy to help you out. :elkgrin:


Approved Vendor
I have a guy selling a 95 with 110k and a brand new OME lift and KM2´s, He´s in chicago, car has been maintained, PM if interested.

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