Looking for a frame bag.


Hey guys.. Im looking for a frame bag for my 26" frame.
I saw the Budget Minded Bike packer thread but Im looking for a fulls size bag that fits the whole triangle......

Any info on retailers
is much appreciated...


Expedition Leader
I just bought some revelate bags and am very happy with the quality and customer service I received...shipping took a couple days longer from AK but was still fast


I use Porcelain Rocket's bags. Scott's a super-cool guy, and his products are top notch.

Although, there's a ton of bag-makers out there these days, and they all do pretty nice jobs. I never hear bad things about Revelate - those dudes have it dialed.

Here's another thread from a different site that details a lot of different threadsters:


Good luck on your search, and let us know what you decide on!


Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Search the ExPo front page for the piece I did on Andrew and Bedrock Bags. Incredibly well made. Trusted by the very best in ultra racing. I have Carousel and Revelate bags but my Bedrock bags are my favorites.

p nut

I don't have the full frame pack, but Relevate has awesome service. I got one of their handlebar packs recently and was impressed with overall quality and fast shipping.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Add Oveja Negra Threadworks up in Leadville to the list of nice off-the-shelf half frame bags. They can do full custom, too. For a budget outfit, though, I think Jandd is hard to beat. They have top tube bags that cost half or less than the more boutique ones. Their stuff is bulletproof even if it's not as technical and heavier. My wife runs their panniers for commuting and I run their tubular seat bag on my bike daily, love it.
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I have a Revelate frame bag on my Moonlander. My only issue with is how solid it goes on. The wide Velcro straps have amazing grip. It probably takes me 10 minutes to take it back off.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
By the way, if you're fond of your paint, you will likely want to put some variation of tape over the contact points. I've seen frames stripped nearly bare of paint from frame bags.

I use Frame Saver tape I buy from Colorado Cyclist. It's about $10 for a 15 foot roll. Works great.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
You can also get sheets of adhesive backed clear vinyl, usually about 24" x 24", for about $5 and cut them to fit. Any sign shop will have it or poke around the Interwebs. They have them in colors and even faux carbon fiber patterns.

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