looking for a wildernest tent replacement


New member
I just picked up an older wildernest cap for my 01 tundra. The cap has been stored folded up outdoors for probably 8 years so unfortunately its pretty wrecked from mold and mouse holes. is anyone aware of someone that offers replacements? I have searched and cant find too much on the caps other than when they shut down they sold off all the extras. if anyone has an extra they'd like to sell or if you know of someone that makes new ones id love to get this thing usable soon.



I just picked up an older wildernest cap for my 01 tundra. The cap has been stored folded up outdoors for probably 8 years so unfortunately its pretty wrecked from mold and mouse holes. is anyone aware of someone that offers replacements? I have searched and cant find too much on the caps other than when they shut down they sold off all the extras. if anyone has an extra they'd like to sell or if you know of someone that makes new ones id love to get this thing usable soon.

Bump this up since I'm looking for a replacement option as well.

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New member
I'm very curious which Wildernest you have for your Tundra... I have one off a 2nd gen tacoma that I'm hoping to fit onto a 1st gen Tundra- is that the size you have? And how did you compensate for the additional width?


New member
Not totally sure on taco bed size but I know the wildernest is a touch narrow and about 2" longer compared to my tundra bed. The nest still sits on the bed sides but not enough to use normal bed anchors. Temporarily I have a somewhat awkward set up of 2x4's bolted to bed rails then another set to the nest so that it fits inside and gets bolted to the pair on the bed. Didn't figure out the back yet. Kind of slapped together but was solid on highway and held 300# between my son and I. Holes in tent do not keep bugs out though incase anyone was wondering. Still need tent repair/replacement if anyone has some experience


New member
Hmm sure the craftsmanship is worth it, and so is the wildernest. Thinking I want to clean/patch what I have and make sure it fits my family's needs before investing that much into it. I see they have the "tearaid" patches, might go that route for now.

Any advice on how to safely clean mildew from the canvas?


I met a guy while camping in Colorado that had a new tent made for his. He should be chiming in here when his trip is over
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