Love Being In The Dog House (trailer)


New member
Do you have a loaded weight and do you have a large load out in your LC? The back end looks squatted down when hooked up. Great setup with the trailer!

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I really apprecaite your write up and sharing your modifications. I am so close to putting down a deposit and seeing what you are doing and how happy you are is a tremendous help.

I may have missed it, but I saw speakers in your sleeping area but didn't see where you talked about installing a stereo. How are you powering the speakers?

Anything you wished you had ordered on the trailer initially? I am thinking of having the water installed as its not my forte and possibly airbag suspension. I am planning to live out of it fulltime as I am currently working in Nicaragua and hope to turn south (after a northern trop to pick up a trailer) and drive through South America. From there who knows.
Anyway, thanks again, I have subscribed and look forward to what further modifications you do.

The stereo is powered from the fuse block mounted in the back of the trailer getting power from the battery box. The trailers was everything I expected and a blank canvas for me to make to my needs. They offer allot more modifications now, but building it is fun for me so I do it on my own.

Do you have a loaded weight and do you have a large load out in your LC? The back end looks squatted down when hooked up. Great setup with the trailer!

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I do not have a fully loaded weight, but I did install airbags in the LC due to squat. Not really from the trailer as to the already saggy rear end of the LC.


Cochise02, standard off-road trailer is 5x8. The kitchen shelves are 18" deep, but standard layout is the bottom is open up to about 20" from the floor. So if needed. The bed or feet can hang under the shelf. Otherwise you have a full queen size bed length from the front to the kitchen shelving.

Ovrlnd Rd

T-Rey I may try to arrange a viewing of your trailer some time soon. I'm in Spring Branch and as soon as I get over a broken kneecap I'm starting on my trailer build and would like to see some of your improvements in person.


T-Rey I may try to arrange a viewing of your trailer some time soon. I'm in Spring Branch and as soon as I get over a broken kneecap I'm starting on my trailer build and would like to see some of your improvements in person.

Sorry about your bum knee. Let me know and we can work something out. PM me and ill send you my contact info.


New member
Where did you get the box for the water heater. I have the same heater and have been wondering how I was going to mount it. Thanks in advance.


It is a pelican box. 1550 is the size you need. Check craigslist in your area or do a google search for one. Best to get used and save some money .


Great modifications! Thanks for the photos and explanations.

I'm definitely going to reuse some of these ideas once my own build is further along.


Hill & Gully Rider
I was looking at kitchen ideas. I like the pullouts, but the Lead Dog doesn't have the configuration to allow much of one. Then I got to thinking, being as the kitchen is in the rear of the trailer, it's susceptible to catching dust and dirt being kicked up on dirt roads. How well does your rear door seal and have you traveled much off pavement in dusty conditions? If the rear door doesn't seal well that could get to be quite an annoying problem.


The rear door(and all doors for that matter) seal very well. I've had mine off-road and haven't had any dirt get in. We just had two hiker owners tow theirs through the mojavee trail, including the water crossings, and they didn't expiring any dirt or water seeping in. Since hiker uses rv doors with double seals, they actually seal much better than most if not all teardrops with custom doors and hatches.

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