An 8d battery is 250Ah or so - so your experience hangs with mine. Recall I said 2 nights in the desert...or 3 days on a 100Ah w/other crap running too. Can I get 6 full days out of 200Ah...hells no. I'd be in/out of it too much and the food/cold frozen content would dimnish...
Here is a quick counter example when conditions are poor : couple days ago, tossed a 6 pack of room temp waters into a hot ICECO. Jeep with black roof parked in full sun. Interior temps who knows, well over 120...(90F outside). Turned fridge to -08 on MAX. Promptly got distracted and forgot about it. It consumed 68Ah of my ~5.5-6yo UPG 100Ah AGM over ~36hrs. Oops...prolly came close to flattening it. Time for a 20Hr capacity test me guess that 100Ah battery is down around 75-80Ah at this point.
Flexible solar panels (for a long list of technicals I'll spare ya

) have horrible efficiency and are very prone to microfractures causing significant capacity loss. Just grab a corner to move them around and listen to them pop/crack. The protective cell covering is prone to yellowing and allows less than optimal light transmission. They also dissipate heat very poorly - panels' efficiency drops 0.3-0.5%/degC rise above STC (25C).
I ran a random a pair of 160W flexible panel (320W total) sets for two weeks to help with recharge duty in the van while in the shade. These were remotely located some distance away in full sun with #8 wire. Never saw more than 200W - most of the time I saw 160-180 on 320W worth of panels!! A rigid was doing close to 90% of it's rating (coastal air is not always the most emmisive).
Rigid panels use glass and allow more light through. Before ya react - realize these panels can withstand hail and gale force winds w/o damage. You'll often see (idiots) walking on the panels and it does little immediate harm (it will/does cause microfractures and will result in long term capacity loss).
If you have the space, go for a full residential panel (huge, 300-450W panels)....if not, stick with Renogy. They have the better rigid panels available for a reasonable price point.
Just re-read your OP. Freezing fresh fish in these little fridges won't work well - it will take too long (they don't have the BTU rejection capability). Are you talking about having the fish flash frozen/rapidly frozen or trying to do it yourseld with a IceCo or similar?
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