LR3 brake light question

Eric K

OK, I am pretty sure my brake lights are not working properly and not sure why. With my headlights off, none of the lights in back are on until I brake and then the top bulb on the left and right light up, which seems correct. According to the owners manual, only the top bulb is the brake light, so that seems like desired behavior. When I put my headlights on, the top bulb and one below it light up (according to manual I think it's lightbulb 1 and 4) and then when I hit the brakes, neither of those bulbs get any brighter, the only way you can tell I am braking is the light above the lift gate goes on. Pretty sure that's not normal. According to the parts catalog, I have the correct bulbs and they look like the old bulbs I replaced. Any thoughts?


Expedition Leader
I have no idea if this is related, but I have seen a whole lot of oddness occur when the brake switch (above the pedal) is worn out. It's a pretty inexpensive and very easy part to repair. It's a universal part, available from any parts supply store.


Well-known member
Can you take a picture? I think I understand what you're saying but want to be 100% sure we are thinking of the same thing.

Eric K


So this is with the headlights on, as you can see, both lights are on, the top light very bright. If I turn the headlights off, then both are off and when I hit the brakes, the top light goes on, bottom stays off.


Well-known member
I checked my truck and you're correct, the center (liftgate) and top outer lights come on when braking.

Are you 100% your bulbs are correct? Having any brake lights on *should* eliminate the switch as the culprit but nwoods has had an LR3 for longer than me :)


Expedition Leader
LOL, my proposed solution is basically just a guess, but a good preventative measure for anyone rocking a 15 year old vehicle. Again, I have seen brake switch failures cause all kinds of weird things, but I don't know if it will solve THESE weird things.

Eric K

I agree with Blaise, it seems like the bulbs, but it's what was listed as the proper light bulb and it looks like the correct light. I assume there isn't some special way of installing aside from sticking the bulb in and twisting?

Eric K

guess I should also mention, the brake light went out and I replaced them. So it definitely seems like the bulb, but I have double and triple checked them. Maybe I should try a different brand?

Carson G

Well-known member
guess I should also mention, the brake light went out and I replaced them. So it definitely seems like the bulb, but I have double and triple checked them. Maybe I should try a different brand?
It might be your harnesses that’s what was wrong with mine.

Carson G

Well-known member
Pull the light housing loose from the vehicle, then pull the offending bulb holder out of it’s socket in the light housing. Now activate the bulb, if the is not lighting up wiggle it and see if it does, if it lights up with you wiggling it the problem is your taillight harness. Each light has its own harness however both are identical, I had to replace both of mine and IIRC they were about $50 a piece.


It is critical to not use normal bulbs from an auto store in the US. You must use the proper Europe bulbs.

Then get a switch from Ford and install it.

When this goes wrong, an unending list of problems will follow.


Well-known member
Manual lists P21/5W as the correct bulb. Eric, which did you get?

It is critical to not use normal bulbs from an auto store in the US. You must use the proper Europe bulbs.

What's special about the european bulbs?

Carson G

Well-known member
I’ve used regular old auto parts store bulbs for the last 7 or 8 years my truck doesn’t care. I haven’t had to change them Since I put them in. No faults they’ve worked just fine. My harnesses were another story they started going around 90k and were junk by 100k.

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