Mad River 14.5' 3 person Canoe


$450 OBO.

Used for one 4 hour paddle down a calm river. During the course of the journey, we discovered a crack. We hadn't done anything that we can figure out how it was cracked. It was about 1.5 inches. I think it was there when we purchased it. It was where the seat meets the hull, I think it was a weak spot in the mold or however they made it. It was patched using a polyethylene bond from TAP Plastics. It was the only bond I could find that works for HDPE which is what the canoe is made out of. The patch is much bigger than the crack, it looks bad, but it works.

It weighs about 85lbs, I believe the max allowable weight is 750lbs. seats 3 people. has 2 cup holders per seat, 2 seat backs, spots to hold fishing poles.

2 paddles to go with it (Not pictured) They are standard metal/plastic T handle paddles.

Yakima Universal Canoe Carrier Basically foam blocks with a tie down kit.

Would consider trading for a 2 person sit on top kayak, need something that would fit on top of a small CRV or Jeep YJ.




I'm in Modesto CA. zip is 95355
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So far I have an offer from somebody to trade this canoe +$3800 for a 2007 Tacoma 4WD! I'd only have to ship this to Nigeria, can anybody beat that? :D


New member
If it's Nigeria, definitely go for it!! Why ship, ask the guy to pickup from here and he can paddle back home, it's a good ocasion to test the patch.


3rd Bump. 2nd offer, was for a children's 80cc racing Go Kart. Now, it's a good kart, but a 27yr old man on a kart that a 7yr old girl raced? I'd think that'd be a bit awkward. Besides, I already have a 212cc Invader Kart :)


Expedition Leader
Out here in Germany? Lots! Lol! Actually I would think its size would be its biggest limitation for shipping anywhere, not so much the weight. But shipping it even to Colorado (where I hope to be heading next) would still prob. cost a pretty penny.

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