Magellan TRX App


Disabled Explorer
Magellan TRX App Trial
not sure who has seen this app or device yet ~
by no means will it replace a map or compass yet a stand alone GPS unit either
I see all the discussions about the Gaia app & thought I'd try something else
I'd like the actual Magellan TRX gps, but really dont want to spend the $$$ for another toy, since I already have 3 GPS's that are collecting dust
you can download this through the google playstore, you know how to do that

install app and proceed

agree to the end user license agreement

it downloads , this part might take a couple of minutes

register for a new account

go to settings and enable your GPS function, set up twitter or Instagram forwarding if so desired too
you can chose to select the tracking feature too, this allows you to share your trails, road trips etc with friends
& then select got to map

sadly the map is a road map, unless you pay to upgrade & download usgs topo maps
I only turned on my GPS function without any data or wireless connection & it found my location

I stopped here and had to question whether I would actually use this or would it be a novelty item before buying the updated topo maps etc

please report your findings , opinions etc

Magellan TRX

Magellan GPS Marketing
The Magellan TRX map consists of layers. First is OSM (Open Street Map), then 2D topo (no payment or additional download required), with the ability to see 3D view (requires subcription), then OHV trails that are sourced directly from managing agencies. You can see the map here: it's the same map that's in the TRX7 and accessed by the app.


2016 4Runner Trail w/KDSS
I also want to look into the Hema map program, but it really has less than favorable reviews

So i have to ask myself would I be wasting $20

GaiaGPS is what Hema was based on but its actually supported and gets updates, it works great

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