Mahindra 4x4 pickup


Expedition Leader
I'll be interested to see how well Mahindra is accepted by
businesses that run a fleet of pickups for duties like meter
reading and simple utility maintenance. A diesel vehicle that
averages 22-24 mpg in stop and go driving (that's a guess on
my part) would result in decent savings to a company that
runs a fleet of pickups, particularly if diesel fuel continues to
be cheaper than unleaded regular.

I suspect that most fleet operators will continue to "buy American,"
but a few will give the diesel pickup a try.

Chip Haven


Expo Approved™
I got news for you, Mahindra is not even one fourth in terms of the Hi Lux when it comes to reliability and refinement or the overall design.

Your negativity in this thread has been noted (again and again). How about we wait and see what the US version of the truck is like before we write it off completely. I have a feeling that it is well known that American's are pretty picky when it comes to the vehicles they buy and Mahindra is not going to waste their time and money bringing a poorly built vehicle here. Both the engine and interior are going to be completely different than what's offered on other countries so maybe, just maybe it might be a decent truck.
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Wiffleball Batter
Your negativity in this thread has been noted (again and again). How about we wait and see what the US version of the truck is like before we write it off completely. I have a feeling that it is well known that American's are pretty picky when it comes to the vehicles they buy and Mahindra is not going to waste their time and money bringing a poorly built vehicle here. Both the engine and interior are going to be completely different than what's offered on other countries so maybe, just maybe it might be a decent truck.

Heh heh. Low quality? Unrefined?

People said that about Japanese cars/trucks when they first came out, too.


Hmm, according to there are 5626 total sign-ups for a test drive. How many people are Expo members? 7776. I am guessing that not a few of us have signed up for these test drives. :wavey:I'm on the list too. It just could be that the Mahindra test-drives may be impromptu meet-n-greets in our respective areas.

Ha, I think you are right! I'm on the list too. If we don't like the trucks we could gather in the parking lot and talk about ours :victory:

Desert Dan

I hope they offer it with a 5-speed stick.

That front skid plate looks like it would get hung up on stuff when backing up and would hurt if you hit your head in it while under the vehicle.


Heh heh. Low quality? Unrefined?

People said that about Japanese cars/trucks when they first came out, too.

Can't be compared, even the early initial Japanese offerings were quite good, people have poor knowledge of history, Japanese auto industry goes back to the 30s and during WW-II, Japanese made all their vehicles as well as engines for their ships. This is not the case with India and it has a long way to go. About Mahindra, I speak from personal experience and experience of others being an unfortunate first hand owner.


I hope they offer it with a 5-speed stick.

That front skid plate looks like it would get hung up on stuff when backing up and would hurt if you hit your head in it while under the vehicle.

It comes with 5 speed standard, the shifting is nowhere close to Japanese or German offering, its a modified Peugeot BA-10 tranny.

oka boy

mahindra 4x4 pick up

Hi All,I was a very unfortunate owner of a Mahindra 4x4 a few years ago,never since then I have experienced a lower quality in any vehicle,my word of advice is look at it very very very very carefully,what appears to be cheap at the beginning can turn into a expensive nightmare,this is their second launch to the Australian market and there isn't much of a dealer network


Hi All,I was a very unfortunate owner of a Mahindra 4x4 a few years ago,never since then I have experienced a lower quality in any vehicle,my word of advice is look at it very very very very carefully,what appears to be cheap at the beginning can turn into a expensive nightmare,this is their second launch to the Australian market and there isn't much of a dealer network

Quod Erat Demonstrandum................:victory:


He doesn’t speak latten, he only speaks Australian:sombrero:
The quality of Mahindra tractors isn’t bad, their selection can’t hold a candle to John Deere of course. I do recall when they hit the US market, the amount of advertising for TRACTORS was ridiculous! But I really want to ask, if the big 3 offered a ½ or ¼ ton diesel pickup for 28-34,999.99 well equipped, wouldn’t you rather push it then drive a Mahindra? Really, what did India ever do for us? Japan may have bombed us, but I’m over it, they never kept me on the phone for hours and never got anything done :mad:


I have a feeling that it is well known that American's are pretty picky when it comes to the vehicles they buy and Mahindra is not going to waste their time and money bringing a poorly built vehicle here..

If they are so picky why have they been buying their own brands for so long?:elkgrin:

I think many in the US will be surpised how small it is compared to their own pick ups.
These are about the same size as a Hilux from the late 70s with a bit more headroom.


I think many in the US will be surprised how small it is compared to their own pick ups.
These are about the same size as a Hilux from the late 70s with a bit more headroom.

Hopefully this will spur the current companies to develop or release small diesel pick-ups to the US market. Maybe Ford will keep the Ranger and Toyota will introduce a pick-up that is the size of the early trucks or at least the 1st gen Tacoma. One can always hope.


Your negativity in this thread has been noted (again and again). How about we wait and see what the US version of the truck is like before we write it off completely. I have a feeling that it is well known that American's are pretty picky when it comes to the vehicles they buy and Mahindra is not going to waste their time and money bringing a poorly built vehicle here. Both the engine and interior are going to be completely different than what's offered on other countries so maybe, just maybe it might be a decent truck.

My negativity stems from my own personal experience and that of others who have had the misfortune of dealing with Mahindra, also I am well aware of their technical prowess and tie ups, its good to be hopeful but not when its on the verge of overtly optimistic or edging toward disillusionment.


They could have some very nice color choices - Yellow curry, green curry, and red curry. The white could be called Yoghurt.

I used to eat Indian food on a regular basis back in Australia, but haven't had it for a long time now...

I've been watching the news on this release, and it will be interesting to see what they come up with and what possible changes/features they'll work out for the US market. They might just bring the truck to attack the "work truck" or "farming" market and stay away from the average joe who would want to commute with it.


Expo Approved™
There is a new flash video on the Mahindra website. They are claiming an estimated 30mpg now.

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