Almost finished the cab wiring, and hope to have the modification to the dash/instrument panel finished next weekend if I get some time. There is now a lot of wires in my mog, strange when the truck itself can be roll started and then doesn't need any electrics for it to run. So far I have bought and almost used up 700m of wire in wiring up the cab and all the various sensors, switches, a/c mirrors, windows, door locks, seats, lights, cameras, screens, speakers and amps etc. I have used 300 crimp on brass terminals for the terminal blocks, there are 14 terminal blocks on the firewall, 24 switches with an average of 6 terminals on each switch, more than 200 spade/ring/ connectors. there are 6 separate fuse boxes with 47 fuses, 12 relays, and a whole load of sleeving and split tubing. That is just for the truck itself, there is another 300m of wire in the camper :0
I have decided to label each circuit using these
I have a book in which I have written down and sketched each connector, route of the wire, the fusebox and fuse number, the switch, and each terminal and the colour of each wire on each connector, but there are a massive amount of wires and I only had 17 colours to play with hence the need for labels. I will eventually draw out each circuit single line diagram, but so far I have it all documented in the book. Wiring is one thing I enjoy luckily, as each new circuit brings something back to life again. Most important was the sound systems, great to have something to listen to whilst I'm working. I'm hoping to get it on the road early next year, but that depends on work - right now I am lucky to get two or three days a month to actually do some work on the truck, so progress is really slow and even less time to update blogs and build threads. I'm writing this from the airport whilst waiting for a plane

Hopefully this contract will finish by Christmas, and then after a bit of a holiday, it will be full time on the mog, until the next contract turns up