This is quite a belated post to say we are on our way. Actually, we are 3 weeks into our 8 week trip and currently sitting in Fitzroy Crossing, in the middle of a desert, near the top of Australia. Not all that many spots with internet connectivity out this way!!
So far we have done just over 4,500Kms (3000 miles) from home. Some days we do a lot of KMs, other days we do none. Today we went for a small boat cruise at a nearby gorge but then we spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool

Mostly we are free camping as we are fully self contained, but every so often we wimp out and stop at a nice park or lodge for proper (long) showers and 240 volts and pools and things.
Our big unknown was the Tanami Track, which is 1000Kms (600 miles) of desert from Alice Springs to Halls Creek on a narrow rough dirt track. We were a bit worried how the truck would go with all the corrugations and wash-outs, but it did extremely well. Zero dramas. Which has given us a lot more confidence in it.
Here's a report of the drive through the Tanami Desert:
And a couple of photos - red dust everywhere!:
Fuel usage was really good (for a 10 tonne truck) at 23.2 litres per 100Km (10.2 MPG)
Next stop is up to a place called Cape Leveque for some beach time and some fishing.