Mauka2Makai - Our Quest Begins...An 80 Series Adventure


Here are a couple of preview pics of what I'm currently working on. I think the difficult part is creating a platform / bracket for the circuit breaker and fuse block. After this comes the IBS dual battery system.



Nice. I have the smaller Blue Sea fuse block. I attached mine to a bracket I made from a thick piece of aluminum bar stock, and then attached to the driver-side hood strut mount.


Slowly, but surely I'm making progress on the dual battery install along with the fuse block. I've got one more bracket to make for supporting the fuse block and then I'll be able to hard mount it and start the wiring. Relocated the washer bottle using Slee's relocation kit, just need to finish the wiring on that as well. The battery tray needed a bit of trimming to fit... with a jig saw and dremel the contour is now in line with the fan shroud. I'll mount the tray tomorrow and start picking away with the IBS intall as well.


Washer bottle relocated.


91'-92' battery tray trimmed to fit. Reapplied the foam.


Overland Expo 2012

I've been wanting to attend OvEx for the last two years and finally had an opportunity to make it. With just under 500 miles and 8 hours to cover on a Friday... wanting to arrive with time to set up camp while it was still light out, We pushed our travel envelope as a family with success.:wings: Ours boys behavior is always a challenge on long drives, and this one they exceeded both my wife's and I's expectations completely. The drive was long, yet enjoyable... with many breaks and no bouts of insanity. That night we got the boys to bed and just sat out while enjoying the stars.


The windows down provided a bit of amusement.


The OvEx camp in the far background.



Our camp set up just outside the main corral of vehicles.

With Saturday upon us, it was time to check out the vendors. Lots of neat stuff to see first hand... Lots of things that I wanted, but I did not need or could afford for that matter. The main attractions for me was to find the E7 cruisers and the Campteq 80.


Speechless... it was simply amazing.:drool:




Campteqs and Craigs 80s were my highlight for the event. Seeing this product in person was truly enjoyable. Another Thank you for bringing this to reality for our 80s.

As a family we've been wanting to get a dog for a very long time... Personally I feel every child should have an opportunity to grow up with a dog. Some of my fondest memories as a child were when I had my German Shepard named Wolf. Unfortunately due to government housing rules we are unable to have a dog. A very standout guy by the name of Ben saw that my boys were growing restless at camp and said, " my dog wants to run around and play". For the rest of that night and starting bright and early the very next morning till we left, our boys had the time of there lives being boys... playing with a Miniature Schnauzer named Baxter. Thank you Ben.



We succeeded in increasing our range of travel, I was able to see the Campteq 80, and with as much fun the boys have camping and being outdoors... seeing them with playing with Baxter... thats what made OvEx memorable for us. We're going to do whatever it takes to ensure our boys grow up with a Baxter or Wolf of their own.


A Good Time at OvEx 2012. :)


I spent quite a bit of time over the last two days reading your build thread. All I can say is - Outstanding!:victory:

I purchased an 80 recently and have been scratching my head, researching, and working on a game plan for the build. I'm sure this thread will save me a huge amount of time and energy as I start the process. Thanks so much for the very detailed and informative thread. You've got a great LC there!:)


Great story...On a side note, I grew up with a german shepherd named "woof." Sounds like wolf especially when your outside shouting for her to come home. The Campteq was the highlight of the event for me even though I was armchairing the event.


I spent quite a bit of time over the last two days reading your build thread. All I can say is - Outstanding!:victory:

I purchased an 80 recently and have been scratching my head, researching, and working on a game plan for the build. I'm sure this thread will save me a huge amount of time and energy as I start the process. Thanks so much for the very detailed and informative thread. You've got a great LC there!:)

Thank you...I had an 89 4Runner and wish I never sold it. I love the 1st gen 4Runners, especially the prized 85'. You are very happy guy to have two of the greatest vehicles Toyota has made available in the US. Keep us updated on your 80.


Wow've transformed your rig to the ultimate family cruiser.

Keep on cruising, camping and exploring with your family.

Your kids will always remember and cherish these adventures.


Mojave Road 5-25-2012

Having just returned from OvEx 2012, I was inspired and ready to hit the road for some much needed trail time. It would be a toss up between Mengel Pass and Butte Valley in Death Valley or the Mojave Road... I chose the Mojave Road. The wife and kids had prior commitments, so I’d be traveling solo. My goal was to start at the Colorado River and end at Camp Cady. Let the journey begin…

My day started off bright and very early, with a direct to Avi Casino for a top off of fuel and coffee. Using Dennis Casebier’s book, Mojave Road Guide as my main reference, I followed the book and trail east to west. My plan for the day, was to travel the distance from the Colorado River to Caruthers Canyon where I’d set up camp later that evening.



Fort Mojave across the river and my starting point at the Colorado River.


At my point of no return.


Rock Carins always on the right. Right?


First of many cattle guards.


Enroute to Fort Piute.



Fort Piute: Built to Last... just like our Toyota Landcruisers.



My Mac sitting copilot. Running MacGPS Pro with GlobalSat BU-353 GPS receiver, a 3 year old Magellan GPS, Dennis Casebier's Mojave Road Guide, and a Tom Harrison Mojave National Preserve map all working together to guide me along and keep me on path.


From my beginning at the Colorado River to Fort Piute, the Road was pretty mellow. There were a couple spots during the 10 or so miles where I thought it was a bit confusing as to whether or not I was still on the Mojave Road, others wise staying on course was fairly easy. I did a walk around and quick inspect of the truck... back on the road. It was around 1 or so and wanted to have camp set up before dark. Next up is passing through Lanfair Valley. Stay tuned...:)


Mojave Road cont'd

My exploration time at Fort Piute was limited, with not knowing exactly how long it would take to get to Caruthers Canyon for camp. Next time I'd like to hike down to the creek and see what remains of the George Irwin Ranch. I'd also like to find the petroglyphs on the way out. So much to see with such limited time.


Just left the road to Fort Piute and heading south on the MWD high line service road.


Heading up into the Piute Range... let the fun begin.



Looking back east.



Wish I took more pictures driving over Piute Range as this portion was by far the rockiest with lots of washouts and ruts. This portion took my full attention while driving making it a bit difficult to take pictures, I just wanted to make it over without any problems. My temps were also on the rise... peaking around 200* during the climb.
Lanfair Valley ahead.








Made it to the Hippy Bus... It would be kinda cool to know the history of when and why this bus is out here. What I do Know, is that this area gave me a major case of the creeps, not sure if it was just because I was alone and my mind was getting the best of me or what. I did get a good laugh at the "Jesus loves you everyone else thinks your an a**hole" bit though. Not a place I'd camp by myself.



Nothing like living in the middle of no where. Homestead lots? Seeing the trailers out here gave me another case of the creeps. Keep on moving...



Penny Can tree. Gave 4 pennies.:elkgrin:


Passed a VORTAC.




Came upon this cabin... Another case of the creeps. I'm writing it off as just being on my own. I'll have to make it out to Barker Ranch and stay the night just to make sure I'm feeling the creeps at places I should and shouldn't be. Nice stove, I tried to imagine what meals would have been cooked on it. Time to get back on the road.


Another cabin... just passed by due to time.


It was nice to be on a maintained road, Cedar Canyon Road... I drove right past my turnoff for Caruthers Canyon. Looks like I'll be camping at Mid Hills Campground. Stay tuned...:)
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Thanks for another nice post, it's fun re-living our drive through your photos and commentaries. And FWIW, I had those Manson/Barker Ranch heebie-jeebies a couple of times too. Their bad vibes must still be echoing around the SoCal deserts...


Wow've transformed your rig to the ultimate family cruiser.

Keep on cruising, camping and exploring with your family.

Your kids will always remember and cherish these adventures.

As a kid from ages 6-14 I would spend the summers in Centralia, Washington. Some of my fondest memories as a kid, were going camping with my uncle and cousins throughout the Pacific Northwest. Something special to be said... about growing up as a young boy, and just going camping and spending time under the trees or along a creek. I just want to pass on to my boys, what I wish my dad did... An appreciation for the outdoors. 30 some years later, you're absolutely right... I remember the camp fires and marsh mellows, creek fishing for trout, and climbing pine trees to the very top.
I just want my boys to be stoked about the times they spent with mom and dad going camping and being outdoors. I can't wait to bring them on the Mojave Road... My oldest was fascinated with the pics of the springs. Dad where does that water come from in the middle of the desert? Looks like I'll have to show them first hand. :)


Mojave Road continued

Since I missed the turnoff for Caruthers Canyon, I decided on camping at Mid Hills campground. The site is around 8 miles or so off of Cedar Canyon road up on a hill that suffered fire damage from years past. I'd say the temps were around the mid 60's with a constant breeze making for a very nice relaxing nights sleep... What a relief from the afternoon heat :sunny:. Spot 26 had a great view overlooking the valley, but it was taken... so I opted for spot 25. I went to sleep at around 10pm and slept straight through the evening till being woken up by birds around 7am. Talk about a good nights sleep... I needed that.



It's been a while since I'd seen any windmills... Nice


My view at camp.






Theres a lot of room in a 1600 when your sleeping solo.




These trees have seen better days. They reminded me of a Tim Burton movie.


Ended my day with an awesome meal and a much need full nights sleep. Stay tuned for day 2

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