Missing off roader in UT/AZ


SAR guy
I looked at the above Facebook post as well, and it does sound like the Coconino, AZ Sheriff is doing the right stuff. We get one of these every couple of years in San Bernardino County, CA where I volunteer with SAR. It's as much a job for the detectives as anyone. Until they locate his vehicle, they will be trying to establish if he entered a national park, got gas, or got beat up a block from his house. Once they have at least a direction of travel, things will move a lot quicker. Until then, the best ExPo folks can really do is call the Coconino Sheriff if they think they saw him or his truck over the weekend.



New member
Here is a poster so everyone can keep an eye out. Hope someone finds this guy and he is ok.

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Expedition Leader
I clicked on the Facebook link from the original post and here's the latest update:
"Jason has been found. Thank You to everyone for everything you have done for us. Words cannot express our gratitude for all your help. He has passed. At this time we ask for everyone to please respect our privacy."


This is a horrible tragedy and my condolences to the family. I think there may be some learnings that can be taken away from this situation for this community. File a trip plan with someone, carry PLB or Spot like device if you are traveling alone, and try not to travel alone. Does anyone know how he passed? Not trying to be morbid but just trying to understand what happened to such a young father and husband who seemed to have a full life ahead of him.

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